34 | Winter night

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"Watch where you're going!." A biker screamed at us. We halted abruptly in our tracks. I forgot how busy this city was.

Ciara sighed in frustration, clutching her shopping bags tightly. "What's with this city?" she exclaimed.

"Welcome to New York." Khelani chuckled, wrapping her hands around Ciara for comfort.

We were currently going on a shopping spree; it's not a New York visit without a shopping hall. The city was twice as busy this time of the year, mainly because of Christmas, which is right around the corner.

Throughout the day, my mind kept drifting back to that moment with Aiden a couple of days ago. It felt like we were on the verge of having a real conversation, but it got interrupted.

I could tell that Aiden wanted to talk about that kiss—well,  almost kiss—and honestly, we can't keep pretending like it never happened. The tension between us is palpable, and it's making things very awkward.

Since that day, we didn't get the chance to talk; every time there was an opening, someone had to interrupt us. It was as if the universe had something against us.

I let out a frustrated groan as we plopped down on a random chair we found in the hotel lobby. "Zhera, don't worry; you'll definitely get a chance to talk to him," Kehlani reassured me.

I sighed, feeling like every opportunity we had to have a real conversation just kept slipping away. Kehlani took a sip of her warm drink, braving the cold weather. "Come on, spill the tea! We need more details about that kiss," she teased.

Shifting uncomfortably in my seat, I began to explain, "Well, we didn't actually kiss. It was more like we were about to, but then things got interrupted. And when he walked me home, I gave him a kiss on the cheek."

Both Kehlani and Ciara exchanged a glance, barely containing their excitement. They were about to bombard me with questions, but I got interrupted by the teachers.

"Everyone gather around."

"Ugh, what is it this time?" I groaned, making my way towards him with everyone else.

The teachers explained to us that there was a winter event happening in the heart of the city. So we had to make our way there. It was also organized, especially by the school, for the seniors.

We made it to a beautiful winter event, more like a spectacle. The streets are lined with twinkling lights. People are gathered in the town square, where a beautiful ice sculpture display takes centre stage. The sculptures glisten in the glow of colourful light.

As we're heading through the square, we can hear laughter and the sound of ice skates gliding across a nearby frozen lake.

Nearby, there's a market square bustling with activity. Colourful stalls are lined up, adorned with vibrant banners and decorations.

The air is filled with the scents of freshly baked goods, spices, and fragrant flowers.

People from all over the place are gathered there. The marketplace is displaying their wares, from handcrafted jewellery and unique artwork to fresh food and exotic clothing.

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