45 | Whispers of trust

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He's wearing a sleek black tuxedo that fits him perfectly, accentuating his tall frame. The crisp white shirt peeks out from under the jacket.  His hair is styled nicely, it looked like he was going for a more wet look.

I then noticed a girl make her way towards him with her phone out and that was my cue to go greet him.

As I approached him, I could feel the air crackling. He was like a magnet, drawing my gaze and capturing my heart in an instant. Amidst the crowd, he noticed me making my way towards him, and everything else seemed to fade into the background. His focus was solely on me, his eyes locking with mine, as if we were the only two people in the room.

"Hi sweetheart." Those words, spoken with such tenderness, sent shivers down my spine. And then, in a moment that felt suspended in time, he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek.

The girl, who had been trying  for his attention, let out a frustrated groan, but he paid her no attention. His unwavering focus on me made me feel like the most important person in his universe.

I couldn't help but notice how good he looked, and as I took a closer look at his outfit, it only enhanced his charm. "You look good, today."

"same to you." He replied looking me up and down with a smile.

Just as we were lost in our own little world, a tall man entered the room, and I could feel Aiden tense up beside me. This man had an air of distinction about him, a charisma that was impossible to ignore. His salt-and-pepper hair added a touch of wisdom to his appearance, and the lines on his face showed his older age.

The way he carried himself, with confidence and grace, caught everyone's attention. Every step he took commanded respect. His eyes, a deep shade of gray, held an intense gaze that seemed to penetrate through you.

Aiden let out a sigh, "Ah, that's my dad." It was clear that they shared a resemblance, even though their features were a bit different. Aiden took after his mom more in terms of looks. You could still tell he was his dad.

As he approached, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of nervousness. This was the moment to greet him, to make a good impression. "Good afternoon, sir," I greeted him, my voice laced with a hint of awkwardness.

He looked down at me for a brief moment, his gaze piercing yet curious. Then, he nodded and spoke, "Good afternoon, Zhera, right?"

My eyes widened in surprise. He knew my name? How did he know? But I quickly composed myself and managed a light smile.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you," I replied, trying to mask my astonishment.

I couldn't help but wonder how he knew my name. Maybe Aiden had mentioned me in their conversations, or maybe he had seen us together before.

"Nice to meet you too, I hope everything is going well with my son?"

I mustered a smile, "Yes, things are amazing." I glanced up at Aiden, who seemed to be trying his best to remain calm, though the tension between him and his dad was palpable.

His dad nodded at my response, wishing me a good afternoon before continuing further into the room. Aiden let out a sigh, as if he had been holding everything in. It was clear that there was still some unresolved tension between them, and I hope that one day they would be able to fix things.

"well that was awkward." I muttered under my breath, then glanced up a Aiden "everything okay?"

He smiled "yeah, let's go in."

"you go ahead, I have to stay here and greet the rest of the guest, okay?"

Aiden noded and made his way further into the house were the banquet took place, not before he gave me a peck.

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