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2 years ago

"You two are one of our most exampled students in the academy. I do not want to see this behaviour ever again. You understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," we responded quietly, our voices barely audible.

"What did I say?" She demanded

"Yes, ma'am!" We replied in unison loudly this time.

The stern gaze of our teacher bore down on us as she spoke, her words laced with disappointment. "Good. Now, think about your actions while you clean the classroom. You two will be on cleaning duty for the next two weeks." With that, she turned and briskly exited the room, leaving behind the echo of a slamming door.

I swiftly turned to face Aiden, my frustration evident in my expression. "This is all your fault, Miller," I accused, my voice tinged with exasperation. "Because of you, we're stuck on cleaning duty."

He purred his lips while rolling his eyes. "I didn't even do anything." He resorted defensively: "You're the one who hit him. I gave you a warning."

I rolled my eyes, groaning, "Warning, my ass, this is all your fault. So you have to clean the room by yourself."

I handed Aiden the broom, observing as he glanced at it and then back at me, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. "Please," he retorted, handing the broom back to me, "you did it; you clean up."

"You're such a repulsive, abominable vermine."

"Oh wow, congratulations! Did you just learn those words today?" He joked with a laugh.

I groan, running my hand through my hair. If you're wondering why we're here, It all started during our PE class when Aiden and I were paired together for a game of volleyball. As the game progressed, we got caught up in the moment, and things took a bad turn.

Long story short, the ball went soaring through the air and ended up colliding with the principal's face, causing his wig to fly off dramatically. In front of everybody

Yes, I know, that sounded very bad, and it was, so here we are stuck on cleaning duties for two weeks as our punishment.

"You're making this very hard for the both of us, Miller."

"No, you are." He replied

I inhaled deeply, then exhaled, "You know what, Miller, fine. Let's just both do it. I'll do this side; you do the other, got it?" I say, giving him a thumbs up.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied sarcastically.

5 minutes later

"God, this is tiring. How long has it been?"

"It's been five minutes, Miller." I deadpanned, rolling my eyes.

"Fuck," he whispered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

Yeah, we wouldn't be here if his dumbass wasn't playing around. This isn't actually the first time we got in trouble for doing something.

I'm always stuck in between the messes that he causes.

"Well, if you weren't such a dumbass," I muttered under my breath.

"What'd you say? dumbass?"

"Yes, that's what I said, wasn't it?" I respond annoyed.

"You're the one who couldn't catch a simple ball."

Slamming my broom on the floor in exasperation, I countered, "Simple? You'd sent that ball flying at me at full speed. How was I supposed to catch that?"

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