44 | Holidays

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As the night went on, we talked about different things and stuff that weighed on Aiden's mind. I gave him reassurance about his dad and his worries about college, assuring him that everything would work out in the end.

It was then that I saw a side of Aiden that he had never shown anybody else—a side that was private and vulnerable that he had never even shown with his mother or his closest friends.

He told me that he wanted to study engineering, and he applied to Princeton, Harvard, and Yale. He specifically wanted to be a neuroengineer or a biomedical engineer, which is something I never thought he would be interested in.

It felt like our relationship deepened, and with each passing moment, my affection for him grew stronger. It was as if our bond had transformed to a new level, and I found myself falling even more deeply in love.

"You spent what at his house?" Khelani gasped, her eyes going wide with shock.

I laughed tensely as a blush started to appear on my cheeks. "The night," I answered back.

With her eyebrows raised, Ciara exited the changing room. She chastised me, asking, "And it's now that you tell us?" I approached her and smiled shyly as I adjusted her dress. "It happened like two days ago; I just didn't get the chance to say it."

Khelani leaned closer, her interest peaked, and her smile got bigger. "Did you guys..." she began, hinting at something in her tone.

My face flushed even more, and I shook my head to cut her off. "No way!" I cried out, trying not to look embarrassed. It hasn't even been a month since we started dating; how could she think that?

I doubt Aiden was contemplating sex at all, and I wasn't even thinking about it. Whatever, it was way too early for that.

Ciara laughed out loud and nudged me. "Our Zhera here was thinking something else, huh?" she quipped.

"Guys," I murmured while attempting to hide my embarrassment.

They both laughed and apologized, realizing they had taken the conversation in a whole other direction. We continued shopping, their laughter echoing through the store.

As we strolled through the stores, I realized that Christmas was just around the corner. I still hadn't found the perfect gifts for my parents and friends, but I decided to worry about Khelani and Ciara's presents another day. My main focus was finding something special for Aiden, but I was completely clueless about what to get him.

Once Ciara found the dress she needed for the Christmas party her parents had planned, or the banquet, as she liked to call it, which was later tonight, we continued strolling around. As we walked, I couldn't help but voice my concern to them.

"I'm completely stuck, guys. I have no clue what to get him."

Ciara chimed in, suggesting, "Just get him something expensive, like a watch."

I hesitated, realizing that Aiden wasn't really into lavish or pricey things. I noticed that he appreciated more thoughtful gestures, like giving something related to his interests.

I pondered about Aiden's daily activities. He plays football, but it wasn't practical to give him another football since he probably had plenty. He wears glasses, but that doesn't seem right either. Ah! I remembered seeing him with a book in hand, and his room had a massive bookshelf.

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