11 | Poison

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These past two days, I have stayed home. I suddenly got a fever out of the blue. I guess it came yesterday, when I was outside for practically the whole day, preparing for the upcoming event at school.

God. The timing of this fever could not have been worse; there is so much to do as the student council president, plus the loads of assignments I have, and most importantly, that shitty project in science that counts like so much of my grade.

Fuck, I hate this so much. My whole body is aching, I'm sweating so much, and I have a very bad headache. I just want to end it all.

Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, I called out to my mom, shouting as loudly as I could.

However, to my dismay, I was met with complete silence, realizing that she wasn't home. This only added to my distress; I was left to suffer alone with my fever. Tears started rolling down my eyes.

The loud ringing of my phone broke me out of my breakdown. I groggily reached out to answer it, hoping it was mom calling to check in on me.

Looking at the caller, I let out an audible groan, tilting my head back.

"What is it?"

"Hello, to you too," Aiden said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I let out a cough before sniffing my nose. "I don't feel good; get to your point."

"Open your door," he replied, his tone unwavering.

What. I stammered for a bit before finding the words, "What?"

"I said, Open your door. Thompson." His words hung in the air, leaving me even more perplexed. Was this some kind of joke?

I laughed, "You cannot be serious," then abruptly got off my bed and made my way towards the window. As I peered outside, there he was, standing on my doorstep, waving his hands with a huge smile on his face.

I quickly shut the blinds, taking my phone in my hand and saying, "Miller. What are you doing  here?"

"Answer the door, and I'll tell you," he responded calmly.

"What if I said no?"

"Than I'll stay until your parents come home."

If my parents saw a boy waiting at the front door for me, I'd be dead, especially my dad. He's a pretty chill guy, but when it comes to boys, he does not play.

"Fuck," I quietly muttered under my breath, thinking about what I should do. Should I let him say it out there until he finally decides to leave, knowing he won't, or should I just let him in to see me in this state?

"No," I finally uttered, then ended the call quickly before he could respond.

I then crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my head.

However, my moment of peace was short-lived as my phone began to ring again. I ignored the calls, declining each one swiftly.

Eventually, the ringing ceased, and I was met with a blissful silence.

But just as I thought Aiden had finally given up and left, the sound of rocks hitting against my window shattered my thoughts.

Startled, I hurriedly opened the window, only to have a small rock hit me square on the forehead. "What the hell, Miller!" I exclaimed, while rubbing the spot.

"Sorry, sweetheart." He replied with a half-smile.

"Just go home; what are you even doing here?"

"Let me in, and I'll tell you."

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