January 2003

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Our gang was starting to make a name for itself in Meguro. We were winning all our battles so far. Everyone was saying it was thanks to the two monsters at the head, the Smiling Demon and the Blue Ogre.
Until we caught the attention of Meguro's biggest gang: Kanji Mochizuki's Jugem.

They quickly challenged us and we agreed to meet them. Mocchi was a super tall, muscular guy, almost scary, to tell you the truth.

- So you're the famous "devils" everyone's talking about lately? All I see is a couple of snotty-nosed kids who wanna play the big men. Go home, you little shits.

- Mocchi, one of the members of the S-62 generation, the "vicious generation". Nice to meet you, I'm Nahoya Kawata. I hear you're invincible so far. It will be my pleasure to destroy that reputation and put an end to your chain of victory. How about a boss fight?

I was showing off and continued to look confident. He knocked me out in five minutes. I was out of breath, on the floor and couldn't get up.

- Tss, what braggers, those brats.

He gave me one last blow that finished me off.

I don't know how long I was unconscious. I just know that when I woke up, the sun was about to set.

- Damn! That gorilla didn't miss me !

- You said it.

I turned towards the voice that had just spoken and saw Souya sitting next to me.

- Huh? Souya? Why are you hurt? How long have I been asleep?

- I've no idea. After Mocchi knocked you out, I tried to restore your honor by fighting him, but as you can see, I got smashed too. What do you think will happen now that we've been beaten?

- Well, I don't know. Our gang probably got absorbed into Mocchi's. So we're back where we started.

- You're not too mad? I mean, you put your heart and soul into this group, and now we're back to square one.

- Well, it won't be much of a change from back then. As long as I've got you by my side, we'll be fine. It's you and me against the world.

We headed home. Surprisingly, it was already past 7pm and our parents were still  not back from work.

- Well, since it looks like Mom and Dad are going to be home late, I'm cooking dinner. How about some ramen?

When I'd finished the ramen, I served us a bowl while keeping an eye on the clock.

- Hmm, that's really good! You should make it more often.

It was 10pm and they still weren't there. I know they're working hard, but I'm still a little worried.
When someone knocked on the door. They're probably back. I opened the door with my usual smile.

- Well, what took you so... Long...

It wasn't our parents. It was a police officer at the door.

- Nahoya Kawata?

- That's me, sir. What can I do for you?

- It's about your parents, Sora and Haru Kawata. Please come with me.

We were taken to the police station. When we arrived, we were ushered into a room. A few minutes later, our parents entered and sat down on the other side of the glass that divided the room in two.

When my mother saw us, she burst into tears.

- My little boys!

- Mom, what exactly happened?

It was my father who spoke up.

- Lately, your mother and I have been on a case. As journalists, we were collecting informations, and we uncovered something of great importance. Our profession prevents us from revealing any more, but to silence us, the government decided to imprison us and classify the case as a "disclosure of State secrets". For the moment, we're on remand awaiting trial, but if they succeed, we could face up to 7 years in prison.

- But that's not fair! They've got no right to do this to you, you've done nothing wrong!

- These are the risks of the job. We accepted this case knowing what could happen to us.

- Don't worry, we anticipated that something like this would happen," says my mother, having dried her tears. We left some money aside in case we didn't come back for a long time. It's in the flowerpot in our bedroom. If you manage it carefully, it should be enough for a long time.

- But...

Just then, an officer entered the room.

- Time's up. Please leave the room.

Souya and I stood up, as did our parents.

- Don't forget. Work hard at school, eat well and take care of yourselves. See you soon, my little boys.

We returned home with a heavy heart. Souya had tears in his eyes and I just remain silent.
I received a call and picked up. It was Mitsuya.

- Yo Smiley. I heard about your gang. I heard you've become quite famous in Meguro. I spoke to our boss and he's agreed. Any time you want to take us on.

Shit, I'd completely forgotten about this gang stuff with everything that's been going on.

- Hello? Smiley?

- Yeah! The Twin Devils gang will be there. Tuesday, 6pm, Shibuya Station.

- Okay, I'll tell them.

And he hung up.
What am I going to do now? I don't have a gang, I'm on my own now. There's still Souya, but I don't want to drag him into this.

- Who was it?

- Mitsuya. He came to challenge us to a fight with his gang.

- And? What did you answer?

- We'll be there.

- But we don't have a gang anymore! What were you thinking?

- We don't have a gang anymore, but I'm still here! I'll go myself in that case.

- There's no way you're going alone! I'm coming with you!

- You don't have to come, Souya. After all, you were already opposed to the whole gang thing. I'm not going to drag you into a situation I created myself!

- You're not dragging me into it, I'm getting involved in!

- But...

- You said it yourself, it's you and me against the world. I'll never leave you alone.

I was really touched that he really wanted to help me. Even I know he doesn't really want to fight.

- It's really twisted to turn my own words against me. But it's okay, you can come with me. On Tuesday, February 2, the Twin Devils gang will face the Tokyo Manjikai.

The Twin Devils // Tokyo Revengers [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now