Chapter Four- Reminiscing

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Mi stand up inna di hot sun watching the man dem mix marta and lay block. It was a vast space and all the homes and the apartment, and every convenient store, were being built at the same time. So on each structure, there were ten men, and for their size that was enough. Most a di house them more than halfway from the foundation.

"Fi six months outta planning and development this nuh look bad at all, Mr Evans." Mr Denton laughed and patted my shoulder. Never more grateful say mi have on a suit today suh him hand sweaty hand dem nah touch mi.

"When you plan perfectly, everything will be perfect."

"Indeed, I've noticed yuh nuh drop no catch, you are always on the ball!"

I nodded, folding my arms, looking out at what we've done.

"I can't afford mistakes, so I seldom make them."

"I see that, you are your mother's son."


Mi not even memba she till him bring her up. Mi nuh deal wid ar fi months now.

"She good though?" Mi ask without sounding too desperate for information.

"You haven't seen her?"

"Been busy," I shrugged, "A lot on my plate."

"You'll need to hire a personal assistant at some point," He smirked, "A young man needs his time to live his life." life? Mi feel like mi do enough of that. Now? Mi just wah build wealth. Mi na'ave the time.

"I'll think about it,"

"I have a service that provides college graduates who need a starting job," He nudged me, "I'll send someone your way when you give me an answer."

"Alright, no problem, I have to stop by my colleague's club right about now, so we good here?"

"Yes, man, I'll link you."

I nodded to him and we shook hands.



Who the fuck this now a disturb mi while I am so focused on Platinum Barbie while she danced pon di pole. She always maintain too much eye contact with me and just for kicks, I was looking right back at her knowing fully well she wah, I stared right back.

It's our little game at this point. She shook her ass and took all her clothes off, and mi empty mi pockets wid ar. Low songs from The Weeknd were playing and the last thing mi need a company under this ya vibe ya.

Mi look round the sparsely lit club fi see a who dis inna mi private booth. When his face came to view mi instantly recognise a who inna black pullover, blue skinny jeans and him blonde hair plait up.

"Bredda, how long now mi nuh see you?" Ollie grinned walking over to the couch. A wah gwaan yasso?

Mi watch him as him siddung next to me and mi blood start heat up to pussyclaat. God? A wah yaa do? Test mi faith today? Mi keep my eyes dem pon Barbie. Wul medz, Malikai.

"Dawg, mi been a try get to yuh from wah day ya, "

It feel like fire deh a mi throat to rass and mi a try wul it in yuh fuck!

"Yeah mi know, and yuh nuh get to me fi a reason."

"Dawg, mi just feel like say yuh neva yet gi mi di chance fi apologize yuh zimi?" Apologize? Since when him feel like sorry cut it with me? "Dah day deh mi did under some hard drugs dawg, and mi did bex, and one ting lead to the next and mi find miself a do fuckry."

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