Chapter Twenty-Nine- Rules are Rules

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Luck deh pon mi side today cause from the airport to the flight and the landing, everyting went smoothly.

Except for dah part ya now, when mi nuh know enough Spanish fi communicate wit the people dem.

"Emanuel, the cab driver a say a ting, mi a use Google translate fi assist but him nah understand me and mi nuh wah affi tell him two claat, suh help me." Mi have the phone a mi ears, a try keep mi composure because from Ana dem leave the house, nobody can't dem phone and the two man dem that Emanuel assisted me in getting to be her security nah ansa dem phone either.

"Señor Evans, Cuba had a small issue earlier where half the country is suffering from no electricity and all the cell towers do you say— having issues?"


Half the place has no electricity or nuttn? And a dah half deh wifey deh pon? A sign this to pussyclaat.

"Emanuel, that means the hospital has no electricity?"

"Si, this as honestly never happened before."

Of course not...but when it comes to Ana, expect things to operate like a roller-coaster.

"Alright, talk to the driver and let him know where he's taking us." I handed the driver the phone. Looking pon Ollie round pon di back seat a draw bow like him nuh sleep a him bed last night and den pon Scamma beside him a chat to him baby mada who a cuss him off right now.

Mans neva tell him him did affi fly out abruptly and now she a lace him up. More while mi realize I take Ana for granted... B nuh press me. If supn come up, supn just come up. Worse if a work mi a work.

Mi mind deh everywhere but inna di moment right now, cause all mi can think bout was my wife. I hadn't seen her physically in months and mi excited fi see her, but mi nuh know why mi a have this bad feeling. It's like all of a sudden mi a remember back pon Akai and how she bawl and was depressed after that loss. I'm nervous. The hospital not having electricity is wild, too. I know they must have generators on the wing that has people on ventilators and life support, but what about maternity? Mi nuh know...but when I get there she better be getting the best care possible. Mi nah play bout that.

The driver handed my phone back to me and mi try fi call her again...

You've reached the Voi—

I hung up, taking a deep breath fi steady miself. Nothing can't go smooth fi long ee?


We get to the hospital and it was crowded as hell with a bag a man standing outside.

"Bro, a wah gwaan yass?" Ollie sounding confused and shook to his core, and I understood. Mi nuh know weh mi a look pon. Why suh much man out yasso?

Yuh have man siddung a grung.

Yuh have man a walk up and dung,

Some on their phones, but nah get nobody suh dem look vex.

"Is a strike?" Scamma asked.

"A strike? Of just so-so man?" Ollie kiss him teeth.


I thought about it a second more and decided that I don't give a rass why they were here. I just needed to get past them.

"Señor Evans!"

Looking to the crowd, mi see two familiar face. Two, short, muscular Cuban men looking mid thirties, in white Mirenas and cargo shorts walked dover to me with dread in their eyes. It was Ana's security, the men Emanuel supplied.

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