Chapter Sixteen: BIG Bloodclaat BITCH!

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Social media come een like seh it wah mad me right now. All mi a see a memes and videos of Malikai being arrested. Everywhere mi's like everything was put in place fi piss mi off. It'd hasn't even been twenty-four hours and it's already trending on Jamaican Twitter.

The women are loving it. The captions are wild as hell. Caption MiLoveBadMan are amongst the popular ones. For the men, it was more wanting to understand how a cool, calm and collected man, who only did good in their eyes was being locked up and dragged out of his own event for the murder of eleven men.

According to CVM, Malikai reports that he was under siege from Denton who was trying to kill him and take his business from him. I can't lie... learning about all that happened last night from Chap-Chap really made it hard to sleep. Knowing he's in police custody, being questioned, villainized and maybe even abused as making me sick to my stomach. As usual, there's nuttn I can do either, which makes me feel useless.

He lied to me. He didn't tell me it was Denton who had his mother and he didn't tell me what he planned on doing last night. I know him enough to understand why he didn't say anything. He probably hoped everything would go smoothly and he'd come home to me with good news.

I closed my eyes and leaned by head back on bedhead. When does it end?

Kai what am I supposed to do? I tried to think like he would in this moment, but came up with nothing. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself...

I wish I could be the woman he needed me to be. Book smart and street smarts must can help mi yah now...

Wait deh...

I smelled food being made and instantly knew what was happening. Irritated, I walked out of the room to see Malia in the kitchen cooking breakfast. the last time...come look ya.

She inna one pink, silk shorts pajama set with get hair up in a messy bun. My girl well comfortable, you woulda think she live ya! But see ya!

I folded my arms across my chest and walked up to the kitchen counter. Bacon, eggs, bagels and pancakes with apples, grapes, and lychee...the sheer amount of food on the counter made me wonder if this level a bright and boldness normal?

When she turned from the stove she jumped, startled to see me. We neva exchange many words last night. I just pointed to the guest room and locked myself in Kai's room and cried myself to sleep. Rage inna mi like no other, and I can't do anything about it. I don't like this girl one bit, but...I looked down at her stomach for a split second, then back up to her face and I thought of Kai and even more...I thought of what my mother would do. She was now smiling at me...that same conniving smile she gave me that day in the restaurant.

"I thought I'd make us some breakfast since we are now housemates," she giggled.

I looked at her appalled, "We are not housemates, I don't like you, and I'd rather eat from a mad man."

"Oh, come on now, I wouldn't poison you if a dat you a medz."

"I wouldn't put it past you." I rolled my eyes. "Clean up after yourself."

I walked away, making sure to give her a good look at the ass that Kai likes to bite into. Bitch ... bout you made us breakfast.

I hate a fake hoe.

Today couldn't start no worse.

"You know, if you are going to be in his life, you're going to automatically make me in Malique's life, too," she sighed. "So get over yourself. Mi nuh like you neither."

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