The Studio

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♫ Gwen Stacy ♫

Weeks after the roof party, things kept changing. Gwen grew closer with her band. MJ invited her out on numerous occasions with the girls, plus her cousin. Together, they combed through the city, visiting record stores and scoping out potential venues. MJ was fully committed to her band, there was not a moment where she let her mind wander. The idea of her small band growing famous and touring the world was always present in the back of her mind.

Somehow, she got them to play at the school's Prom, despite Jen and Glory getting detention the week prior. The two girls had been set with detention for tagging the bathroom stalls as a joke.

The girls had decided to wear dresses to the dance, compromising with a reluctant MJ. Betty and Jen had worn her down with their relentless begging to play a couple of songs and then let them dance for the rest of the night. Peter was absent from school yet again and Gwen had gone to sit with the girls, getting roped in on their plans to go dress shopping later that day.

Glory had a shift at one of the diners after school for a few hours, so they all planned to go after. During that empty gap between school and her afternoon plans, Gwen found herself at the dance studio on 50th street.

When she was younger, Gwen discovered the dance studio by accident. She had needed shelter from the pouring rain on her way home from a visit to the record store. Her brand new record was inside of her bag, and she didn't want it to get soaked. She ran into the nearest building, a brick walled three story building with the fire escape staircases facing the street with their neatly squared windows. The front desk was empty, and the sound of classical music drifted through the air. Gwen climbed the stairs to the second floor, her hand never leaving the rail. When she made it to the top floor, she peeked into the first door, watching all of the ballerinas fly across the floor with their weightless bodies.

Now, she used one of the empty rooms, on break from the gap for one of the teachers' schedules. Gwen pulled back her hair into a half up half down and laced up her pointe shoes. She plugged in her earbuds, listening to music. She took a moment to stretch her legs and feet before beginning to dance.

Almost like playing the drums, dancing allowed Gwen to disconnect from the world. She focused on the rhythm and what her body was supposed to do next, anticipating every turn and jump, thirsting for when she would leap through the air.

When the song ended, Gwen paused to catch her breath, noticing someone lingering in the doorway. She turned more to get a better look at who it was. y/n leaned against the doorframe, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her fists were wrapped, and she wore a black sports bra with some boxer shorts. She gave Gwen a smile.

"Fancy seeing you here." she said.

Gwen gaped at her, she was at a loss of words "i..i didn't know you danced."

y/n shook her head with a laugh "no, no i don't. I'm downstairs. Boxing ring."

She made a fighting motion with her hands as if to prove her point. Gwen nodded, still shocked. She thought 50th street was her own place, a place untouched by the kids from her school.

"I saw you walk in during my session," y/n continued "i told myself if you were still here when i was done, i'd go talk to you."

"Oh," was all Gwen managed to say.

y/n gave her a smile "do you want me to wait so we could go meet MJ together?"

Gwen nodded in response.

y/n gave her a thumbs up "cool. I'm going for a few more rounds, let me know when you are ready to go."

She disappeared from the doorway, leaving Gwen alone.

☆ y/n ☆

I sat down on the bench in the lobby, my hoodie on. I played with the bandages around my knuckles, unwrapping them and wrapping them again as I waited for gwen. Something about watching Gwen dance stirred something inside of me. It was like I wanted to keep watching her dance, to keep watching the way her hair spun around her face and how comfortable she looked in that room.

At school she looked out of place, as if she didn't belong there. But in her dance studio, she took up the whole room.

Gwen appeared in the hall, tugging her bag onto her shoulder as she smiled at me. I stood up, smiling back.

Are you ready to go?" I asked.

She nodded, "yeah"

Together, we walked down to 48th where MJ would be waiting for us.

"So, are you excited for the dance?" I decided to ask.

Gwen nodded "I'm so excited to get on stage. I'm kinda nervous since i've never played in front of anyone from school, besides you and peter."

I giggled "oh i'm sure they are all going to love you." 

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