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♫ Gwen Stacy ♫

Things were different after that.

Really different.

Without Peter, the world felt bleak. There was no one to cheer me on, to sit with at lunch, or talk to after school. I was alone once more.

It became harder to put my mask on, to fight and save the city knowing that my costume is what killed my best friend. Most of the time, I left things to the cops, only intervening when things were getting out of hand. Sometimes, I waited for the other spider person to show up. I felt that if I waited long enough, they would appear and take over my job. That I would have less to do. To make matters worse, my father had half of the city on my tail, trying to catch me for the murder of Peter Parker.

Whenever I thought about that night, my mind wandered to the anonymous spider person. Who were they and why have I not heard of them before? What made them come out and help me on that night? Why?

The funeral only made it more real that he was gone. That there was no hope that one day I would go to school and see him walking in the hallways. Or that I would find him in my living room waiting for me. The Mary Janes were there, along with y/n. Their heads were hung as they silently mourned for him, looking up as they saw me. The band stared at me, trying to figure out what to do when y/n took a step forward. Her black ballet flats sunk into the damp grass, reaching out to grab my arm.

"Gwen," she said, her eyes soft with kindness and understanding.

I knew what she was going to say next. Another phrase that I had been hearing ever since he died. I couldn't bear to hear it one more time. No matter what anyone said to me, it wouldn't change the fact that he's gone and it was my fault.

I shrugged her off, watching her hand fall back to her side, resting against the black dress she wore. y/n looked down at the grass, unsure of what to do next. I didn't wait for them to do anything, I shoved past the group and walked out, wanting to be alone.

It broke my heart.

Pushing her away. During that short time I spent with y/n, I had really grown fond of her. Of all the girls. MJ put the band on hold, waiting for everyone to get back into the right mindset, holding out for me. They still held practice in the school's theater, inviting me whenever they spotted me at school. I always declined.

I haven't talked to them in a few months, and i know i should go back, to start getting back out in the world, but i couldn't. I couldn't go back now after ignoring them for all the time. It was weird trying to go back to living a lonely life. I think that once you break away from being lonely, you could never truly go back, at least not happy.

One afternoon, I climbed out on my fire escape that was outside of the small living room. My dad was out at work, and the city below me was noisy as always. I closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of my home, trying to make some sense of the world without peter.

"I'm sorry," a voice came from my right.

My eyes snapped open, head turning to find the spider person from that night. I gawked at them.

"I'm really sorry about your friend," they repeated, tucking their legs under them.

I tried to fight off the wave of annoyance, instead I nodded my head, muttering a quiet thanks. My eyes scanned the person, trying to find any tell tale signs of who they were. From the looks of it, they seemed to have a really feminine physique.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Spider," she replied "no man, no woman. Just, Spider."

I nodded, falling silent.

Spider hummed beside me, gazing out at the city "this is a nice view."

"Yeah," I shrugged. "Peter liked it too. He always sat at the table facing the city so he could see the sunset..." I trailed off, the sting in my throat growing.

Spider looked at me, their fingers curling around the iron grate of the bottom of the forest escape.

"How are you doing?" they asked after a moment.

I shrugged "as well as someone can be for losing their best friend."

"I lost someone too," Spider said. They sighed "it hurts, and I can't say it'll stop hurting."

I turned to them, really looking at them. It felt nice to hear something different, something real and true. 



So I think I might restart this book, because I kinda wanted to do something like enemies to lovers and make it a bit steamier. I'm not sure how I'll do it, but let me know if you guys like this idea or if you want me to continue with the original plot- orrrr if I should write another Gwen x reader. 

Happy reading! - Miss Madonna 

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