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♫ Gwen Stacy ♫

I was lucky. As I swung through the city, I was able to spot her walking back to Visions Academy. I swung down, stopping her in the middle of the sidewalk. y/n crossed her arms at the sight of me, a visible frown on her face.

I did regret what I had said, and how I acted. She was right, I was only upset with her because I couldn't save peter.

"Come to yell at me some more?" y/n asked. She didn't wait for a response and shoved past me. I rolled my eyes and ran after her, ignoring the looks that everyone gave me. They were not used to seeing another spider person in the city.

"y/n," I cried out as I grabbed her arm. She stopped and turned around.

I could feel everyone staring at me. In a split second, I wrapped my arm around her waist and shot a web to the top of the nearest building. y/n felt warm against me, and for a moment it felt like everything was okay. It felt like I was back in Chelsea, New York, and I was swinging around with y/n next to me. I smiled under my mask as we reached the top of the building.

y/n let go of me and stepped away. I pulled off my mask, my face relieved for fresh air. My blonde locks tumbled out from under my hood as I lowered it.

"I'm sorry, y/n." I said, taking a step closer to her.

She looked away, unforgiving. I knew that a simple apology wouldn't do anything, but I had hoped it would do something. I took a breath.

"I'm really sorry for icing you out when you said we were most vulnerable,'' I paused." I can't imagine what it would be like to just get that taken away from you. And I know that it's a sucky reason, but I figured that if I blamed you for Peter's death, things would be easier. But I was wrong, and I can't lose another friend."

y/n finally looked at me, her eyes softening at the sight "i know, gwen. That's why I just let you be for a while."

"And...and I know that you didn't choose me," I swallowed back my nerves, "but...I chose you."

y/n's arms fell to her sides in disbelief. She shook her head "no gwen, i'm sorry. But no."

My face fell as I fought for the right words. I took a step closer, watching as she brought her arms back up to hug herself. y/n shook her head once more.

"You didn't choose me."

I gently grabbed her arms, hoping that she would look at me "yes i did y/n. I accepted MJ's band invite because of you. I knew that you hung around her and I wanted to get to know you. Peter knew you and so he stuck it out for me. Didn't he convince you to come to the roof party that night? You knew that you wouldn't have gone if it weren't for him. Y/n i always chose you. I liked you, i really did."

"But you don't now." y/n muttered "because you still think i killed your best friend."

"Just let it go!" I cried desperately.

"I can't!" y/n ripped herself away from me "i can't because ever since you found out, you've constantly told me that it was my fault."

"I'm sorry, i messed up,"

y/n sighed "alright,"

I bit the inside of my lip, happy and relieved. y/n looked relieved as well. She gave me a small smile, followed with a light chuckle. I laughed as well, running a hand through my hair.

"Ready to go back home?" I asked, reaching out to her.

y/n nodded, taking my hand "yeah,"

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