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☆ y/n ☆

I really was in no position to question any logic. It seemed like I lost that option the moment a portal opened on Gwen's ceiling and sucked us into a different New york.

Somehow, Gwen managed to worm our way into brooklyns visions academy. A private school for kids who were very serious about their academics. My mouth was still gaping open with surprise when the door to our dorm was shut behind us. Inside of our dorm was a bunk bed with a desk pushed against the opposite side of the room, another right under the window that was facing the streets of Brooklyn. I dumped my bag on the ground and began to take off my shoes. It was a wonder how I was able to still have my bag with me after changing dimensions.

It seemed that Gwen also managed to bring a bag with her before getting sucked into the portal. She threw it on the top bunk and began to climb on top of it.

"I call top," she said, "i think we should get some rest now and figure everything out tomorrow."

I nodded, sitting on the bottom bed "maybe this is an acid trip. Like we both ate something and now we are hallucinating."

Gwen giggled from the top as she laid down, her shoes still on "I forgot how funny you are."

I felt myself smile at her comment, "it's nice hearing you laugh,"

I laid down on my own bed, staring up at the mattress above me. Below us, I could hear the sounds of cars rushing by, a few honks in the distance. Gwen didn't reply, and I assumed that she had already fallen asleep. I closed my eyes and let my body relax before falling asleep as well.

The next morning, Gwen and I got up and went to the main office from school to get our uniforms. Once we were changed and got our schedules, we were free to roam the halls. I tugged at my skirt, self conscious. I could tell Gwen felt the same, she kept her head bowed and her hands were gripped on the straps of her school bag.

"Maybe their science classes will tell us something," I said as we walked down the hallway together.

She turned to me, blinking in surprise. I bit the corner of my mouth, avoiding the sting. Gwen looked as if she had forgotten I was even with her. I turned back to fall down the hall, avoiding her gaze.

"Yeah," she mumbled, "maybe."

Right as she spoke, a tall boy with red jordans passed by us. Almost immediately, my senses forced me to turn around. I peeked over my shoulder, watching as he disappeared down the hallway. As I turned back, I saw Gwen staring at him too.

"What?" Gwen asked, "I saw you looking and I thought you got something."

I shook my head. "I thought I knew him from somewhere."

It was a lie and we both knew it, but there was no way that I was going to expose who I really was in a strange dimension. Anything could happen and I needed to be prepared. I fixed my bag strap on her shoulder and pivoted on my heel, turning the other way.

"I think my class is this way," i said "gotta go."

At lunch, Gwen and I met back up, scanning the room for an empty place to sit. Most of the time, it felt like we switched schools instead of dimensions. Back home, there was a really fancy school on the west end of New York, one that rich kids went to become actors or popular journalists.

Gwen spotted an empty table before me and grabbed my wrist. She pulled forward, moving over to the table before anyone else took it. We slid into the empty spots, pulling our bags close to us.

"Anything?" she asked.

I shook my head "nothing."

I turned around, trying to look for the boy I saw earlier. When I couldn't find him, I turned back, my gaze landing on gwen. Her blonde hair was tucked behind her ears, revealing more of her pretty blue eyes. I found myself skipping over the light freckles on her face, heading straight towards her parted lips.

"y/n?" she asked.

My eyes shot back up to her, "hmm?"

"We need to come up with a better plan, maybe find someone else like us, someone who doesn't belong here." she scooted closer, pressing her leg against mine.

I swallowed back a wad of saliva, nodding slowly.

"Let's just get through the day, scope everything out and then later we can come up with a better plan." she suggested.

I nodded again. I needed to see if there were any other Spider people like me.

At the end of the day, Gwen and I went back to our dorm, stripping out of our uniforms and back into our normal clothes. Once I folded my skirt and set it neatly on the edge of my bed, Gwen spun around in the chair she sat in.

"Do you want to go find something to eat?" She asked, "I don't want cafeteria food."

I put my hands on my hips "you asking me out on a date?"

Her lips quirked up into a flirtatious smirk "if you want it to be."

We both stared at each other for a moment before laughter erupted. I nodded once we calmed down. She stood up and we both left the building. I figured that Gwen wanted to scope out the city, to find anything useful and I couldn't blame her. Asking me to go with her was a nice way of saying she wanted to get some work done.

It was strange walking down an unfamiliar city and believing that it was still New york. We walked along one side of the street, waiting for a small diner to pop up. Thankfully, I had my wallet on me. A little diner popped up just as the rush hour was beginning to start. We quickly stepped inside, glancing around before sitting in a booth. Gwen picked up a menu, quickly looking at it. I copied her movements, scanning the items before deciding on what to get.

Once I was done, I looked back up at her "how are you doing?"

She paused before giving me a small shrug "okay, I guess."

I reached forward to grab her hand, trying to give her some comfort. "I can't imagine what its like to lose someone so close. I can't say it'll stop hurting, but I hope you know that you still have me."

The moment it left my mouth, I already realized what had happened. I used the same phrase when I sat with Gwen on the fire escape dressed as Spider. I had hoped she would open up more to Spider since she had been avoiding us all. I prayed that she wouldn't catch on to what I just said. Gwen just gave me a small smile as I pulled my hand away, skin warm from where we had touched.

That night, as we both lay in our beds, staring at the ceiling to try sleeping, I couldn't stop picturing Gwen. for the first time that day, she looked like she was overshadowed with sadness. It looked like she was coming back.

"y/n" Gwen whispered from above me.


There was a moment of silence before she replied "thank you for being here for me."

I felt a smile grow on my lips "you're welcome,"

"Goodnight, y/n." 

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