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☆ y/n ☆

I was so tired of Gwen ignoring me.

I understood that she was upset and needed space to process things, but that time was over and I missed my friend. Things would have been easier if I had Mj and the group. But it was just Gwen and I, and Gwen was ignoring me.

Once kingpin had left, everyone returned, beaten up from the battle. Miles was still missing, no doubt grieving over his uncle. It had been a plot twist, the prowler being his uncle, still unfortunate. During my time as spider-woman, i hadn't lost anyone, granted i wasn't spider-woman for long, so i guess i got out of that.

"What now?" I asked as everyone stared at the wreckage of aunt May's house.

"We're going home," Peter replied.

I glanced over at Gwen, watching as she peaked over at me. We could finally go back, but would anything be the same? She had grown close to miles, and I doubt with what she knew, she'd come back to the band. I would probably have to fill in as drummer until MJ found a new one.

Everyone filed inside, hoping to find something to salvage Aunt May's house. It was a pity, seeing all her quaint furniture broken and the gaps in her walls. We should at least fix it before we all leave. I spotted Gwen over by the table in the kitchen stuck in the wall. She tugged it out, setting it down to reveal yet another hole in the wall.

"Hey," I said softly, walking up to her.

She ignored me and turned away.

"You don't get to be mad!" I cried out "gwen!"

She spun around, eyes blazing "yes i do, y/n. Because of you I lost Peter, my best friend."

"I didn't choose you," my eyes teared up. "I didn't choose you to be the next hero."

"Whether you chose me or not, Peter is gone and it's your fault. You couldn't handle being a hero."

"Stop!" i shouted, getting everyone's attention "just stop gwen. Stop blaming me for the fact that you weren't a good hero, that you couldn't save peter."

Gwen ran towards me, her blue eyes hard. She hated me.

She had never looked at me like that.

"You know i'm right," i continued "that's why you are putting the blame on me. So you could feel better about how much of a shitty hero you are."

Gwen balled her hand into a fist, about to hit me when Peter got between us, catching her fist in his hand.

"Enough," he said sternly "leave each other alone alright?"

I peaked over his shoulder at Gwen, who was looking down at the ground "I didn't choose you."

I looked at Peter "come get me when you guys are going home. I'm not sticking around for this."

And I left out what used to be the back door.

Now that i had said what i have been meaning to, i felt worse. I didn't feel better like I thought. And I was nowhere close to Gwen forgiving me. I didn't even know why I wanted her to forgive me so badly. She never really mattered that much to me. She was just a very pretty girl who MJ took pity on. That's all.

Gwen pov

I yanked my hand away from Peter, ignoring his concerned look as I followed y/n out back. She was already gone by the time I made it out, leaving me to sit on the back steps. She was right. There was no need for me to be upset. And her making me the new spider hero wasn't why i was upset.

I was mad because I liked her.

It was too late for me to make things up with her, and I hated myself for it. It was easier to just shove her away and blame her for my hurt than to know that I liked her. Maybe, when we got home, things would be easier to fix. But with no Peter, I would be alone, truly alone.

"Maybe when we get miles, you can get y/n," peni suggested from behind me.

I turned around to face her, watching her shy face.

"I don't even know where she is," I sighed.

"She'll come back," Peni replied, "aunt may have a gift for her."

After coming to terms that we couldn't fix aunt may's house, we decided to go check up on miles, or Peter did. We all hid beneath his window, stuck to the wall as we listened to him thrash around, only for a notebook to fly out. Peter webbed it and flung it back inside, sure that it would get his attention. Once he did that, Peter climbed in, signaling for us to follow him. Peter walked up to miles and put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Hey, bud. You okay?" he asked softly.

Miles took in a deep breath, holding back his tears. He let out a shuddering breath. I remembered how I felt when Peter was gone. It was like a part of me had been ripped away.

"We've all been there. For me it was my Uncle Ben." Peter continued.

Noir nodded, "For me it was my Uncle Benjamin."

"For me it was my father." peni added.

I stepped forward, unable to get the words out. I wanted miles to know that he wasn't alone, but I couldn't bring myself to say it, to acknowledge that he was really gone. I swallowed back my saliva and whispered,

"For me it was my best friend."

Hamm walked up to miles, looking up at him "Miles, the hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody."

He was right. Even as a hero, not everyone is saved. Not even Peter.

Miles looked away from everyone, "Look, it was my fault. You wouldn't understand."

I reached out to him "Miles, we're probably the only ones who do understand–"

The door handle jiggled, letting us know that someone was going to enter the room. Instantly, we all jumped for the ceiling, hoping that he wouldn't see us and we could make a quick escape. Miles's roommate entered the room. His headphones played a muffled song as he crossed the room to his desk. The boy grabbed at his comic that showed Hamm on the front and flipped to a random page, reading from where he left off. After a moment, he took his headphones off and spun in his chair. I sucked in a breath as he faced us, the comic barely blocking us. Peter widely gestured for us to move behind him. Just as we got behind him, he spun around us once more, forcing us to go back to where we were before.

The boy sat up, slowly lowering his comic to see us all on his ceiling. I shot a look at Peter, hoping he had a plan in mind. Beside me, Ham gave the boy a smile.

"Hey there!' miles greeted painfully.

Ham turned to face all of us "Do animals talk in this dimension? Cause I don't wanna freak him out–"

Right as Hamm spoke, the boy fainted, making me and Miles huckle. I glanced over at him, giving him a small smile.

After Miles put his roommate in bed, everyone took that as a sign to leave, they all climbed out the window, leaving me behind. He turned over just in time to see me sitting on his window sill.

"What's going on?" he asked.

I looked down at my lap before looking up at him "Bye Miles."

Peter stepped in front of me, "Miles, I came to say goodbye."

I climbed out of the window, jumping to the floor. I needed to find y/n.

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