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Gwen entered the gym, bag in hand. All around her, teenagers were dancing. On the stage was MJ in her cream dress, bossing everyone around for her set. Glory and Betty were leaning against the far right, sharing something stronger out of a plastic water bottle. Gwen searched for y/n and peter, scanning the dance floor. She wanted to meet up with him before going on stage.

"Peter?" she called out, voice getting lost in the music.

"Gwen, hey!" y/n appeared beside her.

Gwen turned to her, barely able to take in her dress when a chill ran down her spine. She turned away from y/n just as the floor before the stage erupted. Out emerged a gigantic lizard, roaring loudly. The music came to a stop when kids started screaming. The monster made its way towards Ned, the high school football team captain. Gwen turned back to y/n, only to find her already gone. Thankful for an easier escape, Gwen ran into the hallway. She quickly changed into her spider-suit, hearing more screams.

She ran back inside the school gym. Gwen shot out some webs to catch the monster's attention, drawing it towards her. Everyone ran out of the gym, leaving spider-woman alone with the monster. The lizard whipped its tail around to face her, sending her flying into the opposite side of the gym. It ran after her, snapping its teeth in her face. Gwen planted her feet on its throat, pushing the monster back to escape from her place in the wall. The monster slid back, pulling down the school's pillars that were decorated for the evening.

Gwen slid away from the wall, watching as the monster ran towards her. It roared as it neared her. Without thinking, she backed up against the wall once more, cursing when she realized she had no escape. The lizard opened its mouth, ready to strike when something hit the side of its face. Spider-woman turned to look at the figure that stood beside the monster, waiting for it to pounce once more.

Another spider person stood in the same room as gwen. Her costume was mostly white with red webs, except from her waist down to mid thigh, a red fabric. The fingertips of her costume were also red.

"I need your webs," the spider-person said.

Gwen nodded, ready for what was to happen next. The monster stood up, ready for another fight. It let out a wail before running towards the spider-person. Gwen shot out her webs, latching onto its face and pulling it to the side. The person ran forward, punching it once more to send it on its side. Gwen gave it a final kick, sending it backward.

The monster ran forward again to the two, only to be stopped when the ceiling collided on it. Gwen let out a relieved sigh, happy that she didn't have to spend much more time fighting. Her muscles ached, and she wanted to know who her new mysterious partner was.

She looked back, her heart falling into the ground when she realized that the monster was transforming back to human. Gwen ran forward, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was. Sure enough, Peter lay in the rubble, his clothes torn and skin a greenish tone.

"No no no," she repeated as she drew closer, moving a piece of the ceiling off of her friend "Peter what did you do?"

"We need to go," the person said from behind her, voice thick with worry."

Gwen ignored them, wrapping her arms around peter. She let a sob slip past her throat, tears sliding down between her mask and skin. Her heart broke at the sight of her friend, dead on the school dance floor. Peter had been her only friend for a long time, he had encouraged her to go out more and get more friends. She felt stupid, that she wasn't able to see that he was up to something. She also felt selfish. If Gwen had stayed by his side a little more, maybe things wouldn't have played out the way they did.

"Put your hands up!" her father shouted from behind her.

Gwen laid Peter down on the rubble, standing up. She turned around to face her father, dressed in his police uniform. Another sob bubbled in her throat, but she didn't let it out. Instead, Gwen shot her web up towards the opening in the ceiling, and left.


Dear All, 

apologies for the long wait, I have a few more chapters that you all will get soon! I hope you are liking the story so far, let me know if there is anything y'all would like to see :)

Happy reading- Miss Madonna 

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