Chapter 44: Frequency Of All We Know

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"Hailee? Babe? Where are you?" I call out from inside my closet. Truth be told, I have no idea where my girlfriend is at the moment, or if she can even hear me. "I'm doing my makeup! Do you need me?" I finally hear her call out. "Yea, kinda!" I reply. I'm way out of my league here.

Suddenly she appears in the closet doorway. "What's up babe?" She questions. "I have no earthly idea what to wear tonight....please help." I say, defeated. I've accepted the fact that fashion will never be my forte, no matter how much Hailee upgrades my wardrobe.

Hailee chuckles and eyes me up and down before shrugging. "You could go just like you are now and that would be fine with me." She says. "I'm wrapped in a towel, Haiz." I deadpan. "Lucky towel." She says with a wink. She exasperates me sometimes.

"You're not funny." I say annoyedly. "I'm hilarious!" Hailee argues playfully. "C'mon Hailee! I need your help here! This is a big night for you and I want to look good! I can't just be run of the mill arm candy, I've gotta be delicious arm candy!" I retort, keeping the energy as high as my current stress level.

Hailee throws her head back in laughter at my outburst. "Ok so maybe you're the hilarious one. But for're hot, cupcake. You'll look delicious in whatever you put on!"

I roll my eyes but turn back to look at my clothes. After a moment of scouring the racks, I pull out a shirt I'd be happy with. "What about this one? Maybe with black pants?" I ask, holding up the garment for Hailee.

She shakes her head immediately. "Too boring."

I hang it back up and pull another shirt, one that's hopefully more exciting. "Ok...what about this one?" I ask.

Again, she shakes her head, more emphatically this time. "Absolutely not. Where did you even get a Hawaiian shirt?!"

"For someone who just said I'll look good in anything, you sure do have a lot of very strong opinions." I challenge, brow raised.

"You called me in here to help! Here, what about this one? You can wear this shirt with these pants." She suggests, pulling out a familiar shirt along with a pair of pants I've genuinely never seen until this exact moment.

When the fuck does she do all this shopping?! And how does she sneak it into my closet?!

I take the outfit she's holding and smile. "Perfect! You're the best!" I say sweetly, kissing her cheek. "And don't you forget it!" She says with a nod before turning to get back to what she was doing before I interrupted her.

I'm working on putting my jewelry on when I hear my phone vibrating against the table across the room. I pick it up to see Griffin calling me.

"What's up?" I say by way of greeting. "Hey y/n! Uh...I need a small favor. I need you to stall Hailee for a half hour or so." He requests. Of everything he could've asked me, he asks me for the impossible.

"It would be easier to wrangle a bear, Griff. What gives?" I ask. Whatever the reason for his request, it better be a good one. "The setup crew for the venue was running late and they just got here. They sent a couple extra people to speed things up, but it's still gonna be a bit before the doors are ready to open, and we've gotta get everyone else in before Hailee and Andy arrive." Griffin explains. I have to admit, I feel bad for the guy, he sounds seriously stressed.

I exhale audibly and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Alright. I'll see what I can do. But you know how Hailee is about punctuality. If she gets mad at me for this, I'm coming for you."

Griffin chuckles. "That's fine. Just...whatever you do, don't tell her that things aren't going smoothly. She'll lose her shit if she hears that someone dropped the ball." He says, although I definitely don't need the reminder. Everyone who knows Hailee knows she prides herself on being timely and efficient. She's got too much to do to be anything else.

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