Chapter 45: When The Party's Over

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"Thank you guys so much for helping me with this. I couldn't have done any of it without you." Fletcher says as Griffin places the final box he unloaded onto the table in the tiny apartment.

"Oh no worries my man! Compared to being a roadie when Hailee is touring, this was light work!" Griffin jokes as he cracks open a cold bottle of water from the fridge.

"Hey! You didn't have to help the crew all the time! That was your choice big guy. Don't blame me!" Hailee argues. Griffin just laughs it off. "I know. But some of those guys were built like twigs and didn't have two brain cells to rub together. I wanted to make sure things were getting done the right way, thank you very much." He clarifies.

Suddenly, a loud grumble is heard by all of us. We probably wouldn't be able to determine the source of the sound if not for the embarrassed expression my brother now wears. "You doing alright there, bud?" I ask. Fletcher nods his head with a laugh. "Uh yea, I'm good. I guess I'm pretty hungry though. What do y'all say we get cleaned up and go grab some dinner? My treat?" He asks.

Griffin immediately steps to Fletcher with his hand raised for a high five. "That's my guy! I'm in!" Hailee looks over at me for assurance that I'm in as well. As soon as I nod, she speaks. "Count us in! But you're not paying. We've got it." She says. Typical Hailee. Although Fletcher doesn't argue at the moment, I know him, I know he won't take no for an answer when the bill comes. That'll be fun.

As soon as we all agree, Fletcher's stomach growls again, making everyone laugh. "So uh....I've never actually been to Massachusetts before. Anyone know of any good spots to eat around here?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

Hailee and Griffin look at each other with uncertainty. "I've been to Boston a few times, but honestly I never paid much attention to the surroundings. I was just in and out." Hailee says.

Griffin pulls out his phone. "Well, it's nothing a little Google search can't answer for us!" He says, typing in what I assume is some variation of 'good food near me'.

It doesn't take long for us to decide on what sounds good. After agreeing to meet at the restaurant in and hour, we part ways so that we can all get ready. After moving stuff all day in the heat, we're disgusting. Definitely not presentable for dinner.

"Ugh the air conditioning feel so good! I wasn't expecting it to be this hot here but good lord!" Hailee exclaims as we walk into the cool hotel room. I can't help but laugh at her outburst. "It's pretty warm." I agree.

Hailee's head whips around at me like I suddenly grew a second one. "Warm? WARM?! How is this just warm for you?!" She asks. I just shrug. "I'm from Georgia, babe. This isn't that bad to me. I'm used to temperatures over a hundred in the summer, with humidity too. I guess I'm just built different." I explain. Although I admit, I don't miss feeling like I'm going to melt into the pavement every time I step outside in the summer. I'll take west coast weather any day.

Hailee showers first while I catch up on a few emails for work. I blacked out am this week so that I could be here to help Fletcher, but I still like to stay in the loop on things.

"Ah fuck! Why? Why?! Fantastic...just fantastic!" I hear Hailee grumble angrily as she steps out of the bathroom wrapped only in her towel. Normally I'd comment on her beauty but given her current demeanor, it doesn't seem like the time.

"Everything ok?" I ask tentatively. Hailee is typing something furiously on her phone. I'm beginning to wonder if she even heard me through her anger when she looks up and tosses her phone on the bed and shakes her head.

"My fucking label hates me, I swear!" She says as she begins toweling her wet skin to dry off. That's all she really needs to say for me to understand. From what I've seen, she's not wrong. By all accounts, her label does her no favors. No matter how hard she works for them, she always ends up doing more for herself than they ever do for her.

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