The World of Worlds

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*Ashton's P.O.V*

I woke up to dog slobber. My Golden Retriever, Bandit, opened my door and woke me up at 8:23 AM. I was gonna gets mad but then remembered I taught him that, and just sighed while petting him. He must have been so with the dog sitter or out in the backyard when I got home. Anyway, mom must have been at work so I was on breakfast duty! I definitely was getting cereal after yesterday's pancake incident. Mom burned all the pancakes and it stunk up the whole kitchen, which was the only time mom left me eat breakfast in the living room since I was little. I got Bandit something to eat too, can't leave my buddy hungry! I was thinking on walking in the woods today but mom doesn't like me going there. There's been people going missing and not coming back supposedly, which scared me when I was younger, but thinking back I think that'd probably make my life suck a little less. Maybe who kidnaps me would treat me decently... Or not, it's nice to dream. Bandit sat next to me, putting his head on my shoulder, kind of like he heard my thoughts or something. I just smiled and hugged him, he understands me. I think, maybe I'm just delusional.. I played my game for a few hours til mom got back, though I didn't know she got back until the door opened.

Ashton's Mom:Sounding disappointed "Ashton, what did I tell you about playing violent video games?.."
Ashton:A bit surprised, then looks upset "Mom I'm 10! I can handle it, plus its fun!"
Ashton's Mom:Concerned "Those are the same games that criminals play before the BECOME criminals! I don't want you ending up like that!"
Ashton:Playing game "Mom it's just a game! That stuff only happens to bad people who had bad childhoods, or the children OF criminals who teach them that stuff, or people that just really suck! Like the kids at my school!"
Ashton's Mom:"Ashton those kids are just saying mean things. I-"
Ashton:Irritated "THEY AREN'T JUST SAYING MEAN THINGS. They shove me in lockers! Throw food and notes with things NOBODY should even read! THEY HATE ME!"
Ashton's Mom:Mad "Ashton do NOT raise your voice at me!"
Ashton:"Why?! You tell me to express myself all the time and now that I am your mad?!"
Ashton's Mom:"Yes! In a HEALTHY way!"
Ashton:"Well I'M sorry! It's a little hard to do that when you're constantly holding back feelings so YOU DON'T EMBARRASS ME. I would have told you all this if you just LISTENED-"
Ashton's Mom:"You know what?! YOU are act just like your FATHER!-" covers mouth
Ashton:Clearly hurt
Ashton's Mom:Regrets bursting out "....Ashton-"
Ashton:Cutting her off "WELL MAYBE I SHOULD LEAVE LIKE HIM TOO." Runs out the house
Ashton's Mom:Running after him "ASHTON!"

After a couple block I was able to lose her, but now what?! Now NOBODY likes me. It hurts a lot more when it's someone closest to you... I had an idea though. The woods. Maybe then I could make a stick tent or something, even though it's pitch black there at night.. Maybe if I'm lucky enough I could get whatever is in the woods to kidnap me too, it's not like anyone cares to look for me anyway... I was running for a few minutes and finally got into the woods. Just as I expected, pitch black.. The only things I could see were some trees shown from the moons light, so I had to use my hearing to get around. I walked for a good 15 minutes and finally heard a noise.. It freaked me out because it was definitely nearby... I blindly ran through the woods hoping that I'd out run it, though, I didn't know where I was even going. Eventually I tripped on something, and feel INTO something. Everything went black after that. I woke up and a girl my age staring at me.

*Awkward silence*

Ashton:Confused "Uh, hi??"
???:Excited "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!! I haven't had someone come here in FOREVER! Sorry, I'm excited! I'm Darla!!" Smiles
Ashton:Staring at her with a 'Are you ok??' look
Darla:Whispering "This is the part where you tell me your name!"
Darla:"Cool name!" Looking around "Did you come with anyone??"
Ashton:Gets up "No, just me. As usual... Anyway where are we??"
Darla:Smiles "The World of Worlds!"
Ashton:Confused "The heck is that???"
Darla:"It's basically a world that has a bunch of other worlds combined into it!! This is the rest place, at least that's what I call it, but it's a place you rest! Kinda self explanatory!"
Ashton:Looking around "So how do I leave?"
Darla:"There's some worlds that you'd have to get through that leads to the last world that holds a portal to Earth!"
Ashton:Nods "Sounds easy enough, is there any maps around here or something?? I'm probably gonna need it."
Darla:Worried "It's not as easy as it sounds, a couple people haven't made it back successfully..." Smiles "and also there's no map!"
Ashton:Annoyed "Do you at least know what worlds there are??"
Darla:Thinking "I know there's a Medieval world, Underwater world, and a Ghost world! I don't think that's all of them but that's what I know of! Though I haven't been to any of them."
Ashton:"Great, so how do I get to them?"
Darla:"There's a portal here somewhere that has a few worlds to pick, but you gotta go through all the worlds to get to the last world!"
Ashton:Nods "Alright, thanks." Walks away
Darla:Follows "Wait for me! I gotta help you!"
Ashton:Continues walking, just groans "Fine, but if anything goes wrong I'm blaming it on you."
Darla:Salutes "Yes sir!" Giggles
Ashton:Sighs "*This is going to be miserable....*"

We walked up to a portal with some sort of screen next to it. Darla said it had all the worlds on it so we had to pick our first one. The only ones that didn't have question marks on them were the Medieval, Underwater, and Ghost worlds. Medieval sounded like the best option in this situation so we choose that, the portal had a new color too. Instead of just white, it was also red. Darla seemed quite confident and ran in with no hesitation. I looked back where we had been standing before, what have I got myself into now?.. After a minute I finally got the courage at walk in. Only because this is my only way to get home.

[A/N]:Darla is so me- 😭💜 Anyways, A NEW ADVENTURE AWAITS!! HUZZAHH!!! 🗡️🐉

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