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*Ashton's P.O.V*
I woke up from a nightmare again.. I don't get them that often, but when I do, I'm always waking up sweating and either already or going into tears. Darla was sleep, and so was Bandit. I was pretty shaken up so I went outside to calm down. I close the door silently and sat on the steps of the house. It was almost completely silent, besides some occasional crickets, until Bane started talking. He was just standing next to the door like the creepy ghost he is...

Bane:With his usual blank expression, but with a hint of concern "Are you alright?"
Ashton:Slightly freaked out "How long were you standing there??"
Bane:"I've been out here for a while, actually. I just happened to notice you get up and come out here like something happened."
Ashton:"... It's nothing-"
Bane:A bit annoyed by his stubbornness, and also his very obvious lying "No, it's not "nothing".. It's clearly something, you look like you're on the verge of tears."
Bane:Sighs, sitting next to him "You don't need to tell me everything. But you can atleast tell me some of what's bothering you."
Ashton:Slightly annoyed "Why do you even care??"
Bane:Stern but gentle enough to not be mean "Because as of right now, I'm your only parental guardian. And if I'm going to be that, I can at the very least do a decent job at doing so. So you can either tell me, or we'll sit here and play the guessing game until I figure it out..."
Ashton:".... It was a dumb nightmare."
Bane:Face softens "See, we're actually getting somewhere. What was it about?"
Ashton:".. My dad... That night he went to jail..."
Bane:Concerned "Is he still in jail?.."
Ashton:Nods "He's been there for a while.. he might not get out... 25 to life...."
Bane:Slightly surprised "What did he do to get that long of a sentence??"
Ashton:"... Murdered two teens for throwing rocks at our window...."
Bane:".... Ashton, how old were you when this happened?..."
Ashton:"5... I thinking turning 6 that year.."
Bane:"Hm.... That's what was hurting you then.. absent father and the trauma that happened during and after it. That's pretty bad..."
Ashton:Looks away slightly "I don't think I'd forgive him if he ever came back... Even if he regretted it.... I hate him for what he did to them.... and mom... and me....."
Bane:"...." Hugs Ashton
Ashton:Looks slightly confused
Bane:"I'm sorry that happened.. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough with me to talk about it, though. That probably wasn't an easy subject..."

I.. felt heard. I've tried talking about smaller things that bother me to other people, but it kinda felt either brushed off or they weren't really listening... Bane seems like he was a great dad, if he had kids. Bandit came out and ran around a little before sitting next to me, I'm still not used to not being able to pet him. Hopefully he goes back to normal in the next world we go to tomorrow. Bane watched over the 3 of us while we were sleep, and thankfully I didn't have a nightmare this time. I just hope the whole 'me talking about my feelings' thing doesn't become a common occurrence...

[A/N]:I cried w my emotional behind aughhh 😭😭 hope yall liked the new chapter it's been a min! 💜 (also I'm too lazy to make actual covers for chapters so we're just gonna use random camera roll pics unless I actually feel like it lol-)

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