Practice Makes Perfect!!

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*Darla's P.O.V*
I woke up early today! I wanted to practice with my new staff, I was going to wake up Ashton but he probably would have went back to sleep! So I was on my own! I grabbed my staff trying to figure out how to use it correctly, waving it around wasn't working was I was trying to think of how to use it.

Darla:Thinking "Maybe I need a spell book?" Smiles "*What if this was able to shoot stars out of this?-*"

*A few stars come out of the staff hitting a tree*

Darla:Gasp "I DID IT!!" Excited "I know how to use magic!~ I didn't even know I knew how to do that!!" Runs back to Ashton "Ashton!"
Ashton:Wakes up "...? Morning already??..."
Darla:Excited "IwasusingmystaffoutsideandIfoundouthowtouseit!!!"
Ashton:Confused "Do you always talk that fast when you're excited?.."
Darla:Nods "Uh-huh!"
Ashton:Gets up "*Well that's one way to wake up..*"
Darla:"Aren't you gonna practice too?"
Ashton:"Practice what??"
Darla:Points at sword "Fighting and stuff!"
Ashton:Shrugs "I don't know, I mean, you already woke me up. So might as well."
Darla:Runs outside "YAY! TRAINING!!"
Ashton:Sighs "Yeah, how fun.." follows
Darla:Practicing with staff
Ashton:Continues hitting tree with sword, doing a little better then he thought he would


Darla:Smiling "See! I told you that you'd get the hand of it!"
Ashton:Shrugs "Yeah, usually I get things on the first try though."
Darla:"Well, they DO say 'Practice does good stuff'!" Thinks "Or something like that!"
Ashton:Laughs "'Practice makes perfect'?"
Darla:Nods "Yup! I was close!!"
Ashton:Rolls eyes and just smiles

*Ashton's P.O.V*
We stopped for a second from a couple of people running the opposite direction of us. They were screaming bloody freaking murder.. I got a bad feeling and was about to take Darla's hand so we could follow them but we were stopped by a eerie but calming voice..

???:Slow, still eerie but also calming "Well, thisss isss certainly not what I wasss expecting here today..~~"

[A/N]:Lol get wrecked I'm back at it again leaving y'all on cliff hangers and short chapter 💪😎 I don't know if I should make this person a villain or just a very protective character- 😭😭🐍🐍

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