Wagons and Dragons

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*Darla's P.O.V*
I woke up, and the snake lady seemed a bit nervous. Apparently Ashton went to explore deeper in the forest, and with out me! I told her not to worry and that I would go look for him, and while I ran I out she said something about "dangers". I walked some more and I couldn't find him and I started to get a little worried. What if he got hurt? I have to help him get back to his world! Then that would mean I wouldn't have any friends.. Everyone else who came here died, so now I wanna help! As much as I wish he could stay, he has a family. Maybe if I help him get back with his, I'll find one too! Someone must want me, surely somewhere in the normal world someone will like me and want to take me home! I just know it! Ashton pretty cool and he has a family, and I think I'm pretty cool too so someone will want me apart of their family! I just had to find Ashton first! I thought maybe a town would recognize him so I started there!

*Ashton's P.O.V*

Ashton:Panicking and running "HOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAP!!"

Maybe picking fights I wasn't built for wasn't the BEST idea, but I was desperate! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THEY DRAGON WOULD CALL HIS FAMILY AND GET THEM TO CHASE AFTER ME?!?!

Dragon 1:Annoyed "Foolish human, I certainly hope you can out run a dragon.. Let alone 3!"
Ashton:Still running "YOU STARTED WITH ME, IDIOT!!"
Dragon 1:"Exactly. Now I'm going to FINISH IT!" Setting trees on fire to block him off
Ashton:Dodging the trees "*If you had just not been a suicidal idiot maybe you wouldn't be STUCK in the medieval times get chased by angry dragons.*"

I think I ran for a few more seconds before I found a town, hopefully this doesn't effect the future or anything because the only choice I had in this case was to run through. I don't think any of my grandparents were even alive in this period so I think I'll be fine..

Dragon 3:Burning random fruit stands "Oh hey, I made a new type of food!"
Dragon 1:Smacks the back of Dragon 3's head "YOU IDIOT, GET HIM."
Dragon 3:"Right sorry." Continues like nothing happened
Ashton:Still running "God this can't get any worse than it is right now.."
Darla:Grabs Ashton while in a moving wagon
Ashton:Panicking "What the- DARLA?!"
Darla:Smiles "Well you're in quite the trouble aren't you?"
Ashton:"How did you find me?!"
Darla:"I was here before you cause I was looking for, well, YOU! Plus it's not that hard when you've got 3 dragons on your tail!"
Ashton:"Darla do you know how to control this thing??!"
Darla:"No, BUT, I've been using my magic! Pretty handy, right?"
Darla:Smiles "STAR RAMP!!" Makes ramp appear
Stand Person:".... WITCHCRAFT!!"
Ashton:"That was sick!"
Darla:Excited "Really?!"
Ashton:"Yeah!" Mockingly "Well except that guys, it's witchcraft!"
Dragon 1:Behind them "You will NOT escape, MORTAL!"
Dragon 1:"Did I not say I was going to FINISH THIS?!"
Darla:"Don't talk to my friend like that!"
Dragon 1:Grins "Or WHAT?!"
Darla:Smiles "This! GLITTER SHOT!" Shoots glitter at Dragon 1
Dragon 1:Irritated "Argh! MY EYES!"
Ashton:Laughs "Good luck chasing us with PRETTY eyeballs!!"
Darla:"Yeah! You jerk!" Looks at Ashton "Was that good?"
Ashton:"Yeah, but we'll work on it later!" High fives
Darla:Smiles, high fives back "Yay!"
Ashton:Thinks "I could've sworn there were more dragons-"
Dragon 2:Goes in front of the cart "THERE ARE!"
Darla:"Woah! STAR RAMP!!" Makes another ramp, but it's a little too high
Darla:"Hmm, well we're still flying upwards. I think we might need to figure out how to either continue to fly or softly land-"
Dragon 3:Fly behind the wagon "NOT BEFORE WE CRISP YOU TO BURNS!!"
Darla:"We're not weaklings! Uh.. BIGGER WEAKLING!! MULTIPLY!" Makes multiple swords "Ashton use these for, uh, something useful while I figure out how to move this wagon!!"
Ashton:Grins "Oh HECK YEAH!" Grabs the swords "Take this, NUT BRAINS!" Throws a few swords at Dragon 3's wing
Dragon 3:Falling "NOOOOOOOoooooo!....."
Dragon 2:Irritated "YOU IDIOT. UGH, IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!"
Ashton:"Not before WE kill YOU first!" Throws swords at Dragon 2
Dragon:Falls "STUPID MORTAL CHILDDDDddd!..."
Ashton:"I think we got 'em off our backs for a while."
Dragon 1:Grabs the wagon "NOT ME!"
Ashton:Grabs onto the wagon's side and Darla's arm "YOU PSYCHO!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!??"
Darla:Hangs on to Ashton's arm "Yeah! You're being mean! You know if we fall, we'll die right??"
Dragon 1:Laughs menacingly "THATS THE POINT!!"
Ashton:Freaked out "What good is that going to do?! Don't you have a princess to watch over or something??!!!"
Dragon 1:Grins "No, but I might in a couple of seconds.." Looks at Darla
Darla:"No thanks, I don't think I'd like that.. and also because- STAR BEAM!!" Shoots a beam at Dragon 1's face
Dragon 1:Drops wagon "ARGH NOT AGAIN!!"
Ashton and Darla:Goes back into the, now falling, wagon
Ashton:Panicking "DARLA WERE GOING TO DIE!!"
Darla:Thinks "No we're not! Just trust me, I know what to do!" Smiles

I wanted to just sit there and accept death, I would've done that any other time... but being with Darla, and maybe just the smile she was giving me calmed me down in a way. She's the only person that has actually CARED about me in a long time, so I wasn't sure how to feel at first. I guess I'm getting used to it again, though I'm not going to get too attached.

Darla:Points staff at the ground "PLUSH PILE!!"

*A pile of plushies break the wagon's fall, the plushies are all incredibly random. Some being from completely different companies*

Darla:Smiles "See? I told you we'd be fine! Look at all these plushies!!" Gets out of wagon to look at them all
Ashton:Also gets out to look "Woah! A Minecraft creeper!" Grabs the plush
Darla:Looks curiously "What's a creeper? And a Minecraft?"
Ashton:Looks at Darla "You've never played Minecraft?"
Darla:Shakes head no
Ashton:Smiles "It's one of the best video games ever!"
Darla:Smiles "It sounds fun!" Picks up a Yellow Luma plush "Aww!! I like this one!
Ashton:"That's a Luma! It's from Super Mario Galaxy!"
Darla:"That's a video game too?"
Ashton:Nods "Yup!"
Darla:Hugging the Luma plush "You know a lot about video games!"

We walked after standing near the cart for a while, I told her about some video games I play and she actually was interested! After walking forward for a while, we found another portal! There was also a note from that snake lady that said "Dear human children, congratulations on finding the portal. I hope you find whatever you are looking for so good luck! Also, please feel free to visit me again sometime. Or I will visit you, either way, I hope we'll see each other again soon! From, the snake lady who hypnotized you, Emma"

Darla:Smiles "Emma must really like us!" Looks at Darla "Ready for the next world?"
Ashton:Smiles "Yeah! What is it anyway?"
Darla:Looking at he map "Well we just went through the Medieval World, so the only worlds unlocked that we can go to are the Ghost and Underwater world!"
Ashton:"The ghost one sounds cool! Let's go there!"

*The portal goes from white to red, to white and black*

Darla:"Alright! Let's go!" Runs through portal
Ashton:Follows not too far behind

For the first time in a long time, I felt excited for something. Excited to be with someone, someone who actually cares.

[A/N]:Ashton and Darla bonding is the cutest thing to me 😭😭💜 TO THE GHOST WORLDDDD 👻

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