Hanging Around

11 0 6

*Ashton's P.O.V*
Freaked out by the voice, I pulled my sword out. I didn't even know what I was fighting..

???:Wrapped around a few trees "How interesssting.. I can't tell if the humanss are becoming desssperate, or cruel."
Darla:Amazed "Woahh.."

Definitely not what I expected, a half human half snake. I could see much but I did however see her green, glowing eyes. I don't like her, she's looking at us funny...

Ashton:Freaked out "Who are you?.."
???:Smiles menacingly "I feel I should be asssking that question.. You do know thisss iss MY part of the forest, right?~"
Darla:Smiles "You're pretty!"
???:Caught off guard by that response "Uhm, thank you?." Back on topic "You two ssseem a bit young to be alone, essspecially around here.."
Ashton:Grabs Darla's arm "Which is why we were just leaving."
Darla:Disappointed "Really?? We just got here, plus she seems nice and not dangerous at all!"
Ashton:"Yeah, 'seems'. Stranger danger, Darla. Did know one teach you that??"
Darla:Tilts head "No?"
Ashton:"..." Looks back at ???
???:Watching, still doing that menacing smile
Ashton:"Yeahh, I think we'll just go. That sounds better then death.." Looks at Darla "Darla??"
Darla:Doesn't respond, staring at ???
Ashton:Looks back at ??? "What did you- ....."

I don't remember anything after that, must have pasted out or something.. When I woke up, the lady was just staring at us from whatever she was hanging onto on the ceiling. I did notice a couple of stuff about her, and the new unfamiliar surroundings.. She had brown hair, and her.. weird snake tail, was a sliverish grey. I pulled my sword out again because I wasn't sure if she was going to attack or not...

???:"That isss quite rude consssidering I brought you to my home, you know."
Ashton:Irritated "Well I still don't know you, and also I'm pretty sure you hypnotized us..."
???:"You wouldn't have cooperated if I jussst told you what I wasss planning on doing, ssso I took the easssy path."
Ashton:Doesn't respond, just stays sitting. Looks at Darla
???:Smile "She'll be fine."
Ashton:Looks confused
???:"You were worried about her, weren't you?"
Ashton:Lying "No, we'll kind of. I need her help getting home."
???:Rolls eyes "If you say so."
Ashton:Awkward silence

We sat in silence for a while, until I feel asleep again... or maybe she hypnotized me again. She still didn't tell me her name, which I'm not interested in at the moment. I'm more worried about getting back to my world. Hopefully I have more luck tomorrow..

[A/N]:I absolutely love Ashton's sarcasm in this chapter- another short chapter too 😭😭

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