Dancing With The Dead

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*Ashton's P.O.V*
The suit Bane got me wasn't too bad, but I preferred my regular outfit. He's giving me a really weird vibe too... I think he can hear my thoughts or something. Anytime he looks at me I get chills, he has no pupils. So when he looks at you, you're just looking into a black void... Beatrice eventually came back to see our outfits, loving Darla's. She was wearing the same dress she was before, and when I said something about it, she just said "Ghost don't really change the clothes they die in, and plus, I look good in any outfit I pull off! I can wear the same outfit and still be the best looking at the ball, it's a ghost thing darling.". Darling is definitely one of the weirdest things I've ever been called... Not even my mom calls me that. Darla and Beatrice were practicing dancing, Darla just joined in with Beatrice after a while because she's Darla. Bane told them we'd set up a different room before the guests arrived, even though I didn't volunteer OR agree to that. So when we got to a different room, he finally spoke with me, without Darla.

Bane:Setting up "So, Darla is your sister, yes?"
Ashton:Looking to through box "No? She's my friend. She's helping me get back to the real world."
Bane:"I see." Pauses for a second "I'd keep an eye on her if I were you. Beatrice sometimes can get little too... "attached". To her guests." Continues setting up
Ashton:".... What is that supposed to mean?.."
Bane:"It means what I said." Pauses "Sorry. I'm being to hard on you. I'm not used to children."
Ashton:"*This place is giving me the creeps...*"
Bane:Smirks "What do you expect from a world full of GHOSTS?"
Ashton:"So you can hear my thoughts."
Bane:"I think I made that obvious a while ago with the stare, did I not?"
Ashton:Thinks "... Yeah I guess you did."
Bane:Dusting stuff off "I can tell you've been through a lot."
Bane:Shrugs "I guess I've gotten used to different ghost vibes, the ones who've hurt and ones who are hurting. You my friend, are hurting. I can tell, though I don't know what is hurting you. Am I correct?"
Bane:"I'll take that as a yes.." Awkward silence "I'll help you two get out of here, I don't want you two ending the way "they" did. Especially this young.."
Ashton:Confused "Who's 'They'?.."
Bane:Worried "Trust me, you don't want to know.. What they went through is not something you want to experience..."

We eventually finished setting up and went back to Beatrice and Darla, who were ready for the ball and just waiting for the guest. I listened to Bane making sure she didn't get out of my sight. Eventually the guests came, who were all adult or elderly ghost but it didn't surprise me. We're in the Ghost World. Some really eerie music was playing too, which had everyone on the dance floor dancing. Except me and Bane, we don't dance. At least not me, I don't know if Bane dances. I laughed thinking about it, which Bane also slightly snickered too.

*Darla's P.O.V*
The dance was going so well!! A lot of the ghosts liked me and we were dancing to music and talking!! I haven't interacted with this many people before, I should do it more often! Maybe after I take Ashton back to his world, I can come back to the next ball they have! Beatrice was talking about showing me something cool later, and she said that it was a surprise just for me! I've never had a surprise before! I hope it's something that I can share with Ashton, like a cake or something!!

Beatrice:"Hey Darla, you wanna see the surprise early?"
Darla:Smiles "Sure!!"
Beatrice:Smiles "Alright! Let's head upstairs, it shouldn't take long at all."
Heads upstairs with Darla
Bane:Notices ".... Ashton come with me."
Ashton:Also noticed, panicking "Where are we-"
Bane:"Just come with me."


Beatrice:"Alright! Let me get the surprise!" Walks to a closet
Darla:Smiles "Ok!"

*The lights go out and two pieces of metal grab Darla's arms*

Darla:Surprised "Uhm, Beatrice. Something's holding my arms, and it kinda hurts. .... Beatrice?"
Beatrice:Goes in front of Darla, a lot scarier looking than she did before "I know.. that's part of the surprise!"
Darla:Worried "Beatrice your scaring me..."
Beatrice:Menacingly smiles "It's ok.. you'll get to stay with me.... Forever.. Don't you want that?"
Darla:Trying to release her arms "N-no! I have to help Ashton, and I don't want to stay forever!.."
Darla:Terrified "Please let me go!! I-I don't like this surprise!!"
Beatrice:"I promise you won't feel anything! If you do, it won't be long."
Beatrice:"You should be happy! You'll be able to stay here and go to all the balls you want!!"

*Ashton and Bane bust the door open*

Ashton:With sword from the Medieval World in hands "Party's over, FEETRICE!!"
Bane:With scythe "Or should we say, ball."

[A/N]:Left y'all on a cliffhanger tehehehehe! Get cliffhung goofy goobers!! 🤭🤭

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