A Hero is Born-part 1-

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A/N: sorry, gonna skip the story part

In a noodle shop, a brown haired boy in his late teens was sitting on a bar stool, while listening to an older man with jet black hair and round glasses, who was narrating the story of the Mighty Sun Wukong.

"Ohhhh that's so good! Monkey King's so cool! He's so strong and handsome-" said MK while doing poses

"Oh MK. And you thought you knew all the Monkey King stories" said Tang while adjusting his glasses

"He surly does Sensei" the two of them turned to the front door to see a girl with long wavy black hair, chocolate brown eyes with glasses. She was wearing a baggie pink sweat shirt, black shorts and short brown boots and  black leggings. What's more interesting in her were fangs and slightly sharp fingernails

"Oh! hey Hiro! How was college today?" Asked the boy with the red bandanna

"Everything was fine until some jerk tried to flirt with me, which was annoying by the way" said Hiro, while her face contorted with anger and her eyes slightly flashing red, but took a deep breath to calm herself "Thank goodness Pearl happened to be there to work on the principal's car, she sent the guy flying to the hospital. Literally "

"OK 1: good riddance. 2: yes I do. I got his whole life documented extensively in this unauthoritized autobiography of Monkey King" he took out a big red book then turned to screen (DON'T BREAK THE FOURTH WALL MK!!eham anyway "Written and illustrated by yours truly" then started rambling some facts about his hero

"Yeah, he's a cool guy. But I personally prefer the stories of the Silver Maiden" said Hiro, which made the two turn to her "Oh yeah, the celestial maiden who thanks to her most demons and humans live together" said Tang then turned to them "And did you know that many celestials and even demons asked her hand in marriage? Even the Jade Emperor himself but she turned him down and the others as well"

"Wow! Really?!" Asked MK in surprise
"Yes. But nobody could force her to be their wife since she was the disciple of Guanyin and under the protection of Buddha himself. It is said she remained single till the end of her days" unbeknownst to them, the black haired girl was smiling nervously "~If only they know~"

"Hehe! Sounds like Hiro and Pearl!" MK's statement made Hiro laugh "You just saw Pearl! Imagine if it was Papa! If he sees someone flirting with me he would erase them from the universe!" the three of them then started laughing, then Tang cleared his throat
"Well, you know the deal: one story, one free bowl of Zha Jiang mian. Mmm?"

"~Uh oh! The boss is not gonna like that~"

"Huh? Oh right, free noodles! Yup, on it. How heavy do you guys think a mountain is? Compare to like-" and just as the boy attempts to grab the bowl, a wooden spoon came flying to him, making him let go of the noodles, which landed in the hands of a pig demon dressed in a chef attire, and boy was he angry.


"Ah but Pigsy. I was paying with wisdom" said Tang while throwing some glitter in the air, aaaand if only he didn't say that

"Yeah? Well, WISDOM DON'T PAY THE RENT YOU FREELOADER!! AND YOU!" he turns to MK "You've been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out. So quit slacking and get packing"

MK rubbed the back of his head "Yeah I was about to take my break, so..." At this Hiro face-palmed and mumbled "oh MK you Baka. You shouldn't have said that"

Just then, a tick mark appeared on Pigsy's forehead "Break? BREAK?! There is no break in war! I need workers. Soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles. How else am I gonna expand my business into enemy territory?"

"Errr you mean across the street?" Asked Hiro while pointing at the other noodle shop, as the two owners glared at each other

"I stand by my statement! Now, hurry up!" As MK ran outside, the chef sighed then turned to his other worker with a pleading look " Hiro, can you please go with him and make sure he delivers those noodles?"

"Hai!" After doing a salutation, Hiro ran outside, just then screaming and breaking noises were heard from the shop

"How much time do you think they'll keep the fight this time?" Asked the girl as she got into the passenger seat, while her friend shrugged "Meh probably thirty minutes. Now LEGO!" and with that, the two set off to their work

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