A Hero Is Born-part 2-

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MK and Hiro drove through the city in the delivery cart, while the former was driving and listening to music, and the latter focusing on the road. Soon the two made it to a construction site, not noticing the "Do Not Enter" sign.

The duo got into an elevator going downward, and when they got out MK was dancing at his music, holding the bag of noodles, while Hiro shook her head with amusement at him.

Suddenly the girl stopped abruptly, as her eyes turned into slits and flashed bright red, her ears vanished and fox ears replaced them on top of her head, and a single long black fluffy tail took form behind her. She caught her companion by the wrist, causing him to turn around and look at her, then got a little worried as he noticed her demonic traits "~Weird. Hiro's demon side doesn't appear, unless she's really pissed off. Or a danger is close~" "Hiro, what's wrong?"

The girl put a finger on her lips and said a whisper, showing her sharp canines "Shhhh I hear voices". Hiro started to walk in high alert, like a prey looking out for the predator, while MK was after her, him being cautious to anything out of ordinary, keeping quite as well. Just then, the  'Hulijing's ears went up, and she pulled herself and her friend behind some rocks to hide. The two peeked from behind the rocks, and before them stood two people: the first was an adult woman with long black hair, two buns looking like bull horns. She was wearing a beautiful red dress and a golden tiara decorating her head. The second one was a guy in his late teens, he had flaring red hair in high ponytail, bright green eyes and an 'x' like scar on his face. He was wearing a red coat and purple pants, small black glasses on his nose. And many bull like robots surrounding them

"It feels like I've waited an eternity for this moment. Is everything in order?" Asked the woman with an evil expression, as the guy answered with an even look "Just making the final adjustments, Mother"

"~Mother?!~" Hiro couldn't believe that those two were mother and son, as the woman looked really young to be one. But then again she wasn't a really different story herself.

"Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift Monkey King's legendary staff" before the two was a small hill with a tree on it, and in the hill stood Monkey King's staff with veins grown on it. At it's sight, MK whispered in awe "Monkey King's staff!" While Hiro in shock "You gotta be kidding me!" But the girl was cut out of her thoughts as she saw her friend climbing the pipes "MK!!"

The demi-fox started climbing after her friend until she got next to him and a golden bird "what's a bird doing underground?" "Shhh let me listen"

"My love will finally be returned, once we remove the staff- huh?" The woman stopped talking as one of the robots climbed the hill and tried to remove the staff-key word is tried- resulting in his arms getting ripped off, causing the hiding duo to wince. "Owww that gotta hurt" whispered MK, earning a nod from his cru- FRIEND! earning a nod from his friend "That also proves it's the real staff"said Hiro, earning a nod from her friend in return.

"You fool. You think we didn't try that already? It's going to take more than a few robots to lift the Money King's staff. Only those deemed worthy can wield it" said the guy with a smirk, as he somehow summons a big glove "but I, Red Son, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will" Red Son then went on top of the hill, grabbed the staff with his glove and started pulling while his hair went on fire. At the mention of his name, Hiro remembered something "~Red Son? As in Red Boy?! So the woman is Princess Iron Fan! And that means... Ohhhh nooo! They are getting Demon Bull King back!!" But once again her train of thoughts was cut as Red Son got the staff off the hill, much to her horror

"I did it? I did it!" Cheered the demon boy as his minions clapped for him, but nothing was happening

"~Huh. Maybe I was wrong after all?~"

"What?! Why isn't anything happening?!" Red Son jumped off the hill, then turned to PIF "Mother, are you sure this is the right mountain?"

His question caused his mother to facepalm "No, maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband" just then the earth started to shake, and the hill cracked as demonic energy started to ascend causing MK to almost fall if not for Hiro holding his hand while holding the pipes with another. The Demon Bull King was breaking free. PIF smiled while her son started laughing evilly "Yes, Father! Rise! Rise!"

Finally, The Demon Bull king was free from his long imprisonment "Flesh. Bone. I have returned to the realm of living"

A/N: sorry I'm gonna skip the family reunion scene

Hiro was holding the pipes with all her might while trying to lift MK back, but it wasn't that easy as the bird was pecking her fingers "Nice bird, please don't do that" she said in a whisper with a nervous smile, but the bird squaked and pecked her hand, causing her to let go and fall, but not before swinging MK to the pipes and she fell alone until she got on top of Red Son

"Awww that hurt" said Hiro as she sat up, then heard a groaning, she looked down to find Red Son under her, make her panic and scramble off him
"Oh my goodness! Are you OK?!"
Red Son got up and was about to yell at her, but didn't. Instead he gasped in shock at her sight (not romantically) "What the- A Hulijing?! But I thought your kind went extinct hundreds of years ago!!" Not only him but everyone else was surprised as well, especially DBK who had his eyes wide, but PIF was not surprised because of that, but because she was trying to figure why the girl seemed familiar to her, until it clicked in her mind.

As for Hiro, she was smiling nervously while rubbing her black tail "Hehe y-yeah about that umm... I'm not really-"" Wait!" Everyone then turned to PIF as she came closer, and looked closer at the girl then gasped


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