Stay | John Price x Fem!Reader

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Your POV:
I am a Sergeant and a member of Task Force 141, callsign 'Ace'. My captain — John Price — and me were on a mission. The mission was easy: get in, load the data onto the USB-Stick and get the hell out. It went shitty.... At least for me.

"(Y/N), you ready?" Price asked, his voice firm but caring as he looked at me. "Yes, sir." I replied with a firm nod and we took our places in the Chopper. "You know your part?" He asked and adjusted in his seat. I nodded and watched him closely. "Good." He hummed and smiled slightly. The Chopper took off and flew us to our destination.

When we arrived we expected peace and quiet but instead we were greeted with crossfire and a hell of noise. We loaded our rifles and stood up, ready to do our job even though it's about 10 times harder now.

"We do as planned. In, load it, out. Understood?" Price said and took a quick glance back at me. "Understood, sir." I nodded and with that we made our way through the crossfire, only shooting when necessary — this wasn't our fight. We got inside the enemy base pretty quickly, moving through the corridors and keeping an cautious eye.

As we moved through the corridors and got into the office i pulled out the stick and made my way over to the computer. The halls were empty, so was the office. I started loading the data onto the Stick and waited. "5 minutes." I said and glanced around. "I'll keep watch." Price said and nodded towards the door before stepping outside the room and guarding the door.

3 minutes passed with nothing happening, I took in the room I was in and searched for anything else that was valuable. I suddenly heard a loud sniper sound and shortly after the windows behind me scattered and I felt a sharp pain in my back that went through my side and ended at my stomach. I yelped in pain as I fell to the ground and held my hands onto the wound. Only a second later the door flung open and Price stepped through, eliminating the sniper and immediately kneeling down besides me.

"Hey, stay with me, yeah?" He ordered and applied pressure to the shot wound at my back, the bullet didn't go through, stopped in the middle. "Keep your eyes open, focus on me." Price said and spoke into the radio, "Price to Watcher, we need EVAC and a medic as soon as possible. Here's crossfire and Sgt. Ace is shot." I grabbed his free hand and looked at him through hooded eyes. "Captain... I-... I love you." I chocked out and coughed up some blood after. "I know, you'll be fine. Don't close your eyes, (Y/N)." He said as he grabbed the USB-Stick and put it away before temporarily taking care of my wound.

He scooped me up in his arms and made his way outside and towards the EVAC zone. I lost consciousness a few moments after he scooped me into his arms.

Price's POV:
A few moments after I scooped (Y/N) into my arms her body went limp as she lost consciousness. My heart was racing as I was running down the corridors and towards the EVAC zone.

I couldn't allow myself any mistakes. She was still alive, even if it's just barely. My heart and mind were worried sick as I carried her towards the landing chopper hand handed her over to the medic that came along.

I watched the medic take care of the wound as I held (Y/N)'s hand. "Stay with me" I whispered and caressed the back of her hand with my thumb. She was strong, she'll make it.

Soon after the medic got hectic as (Y/N)'s pulse dropped, her breathing stopped and her body slowly went cold. "No.. No, No.." I whispered and tried helping the medic. "(Y/N) stay with me!" I said as I desperately tried to save her.

(Y/N)'s body went ice cold and her heart stopped beating... she was dead.

"I love you too, (Y/N)..." I whispered as I held her in my arms and fought tears. "Rest well, love..."

Angsty, I love it.
Have a nice day. XO

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