chapter 15 🌶🌶

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Colin watched in ecstasy as Penelope gaped at the house. She looked like a little girl in a candy store. Seeing her face flushed and her mouth open in amazement made Colin's heart skip a beat.
"Colin...but she's gorgeous! Why didn't you tell me anything!"
"It was a surprise my love and it was worth it, seeing you so amazed... you are spectacular." He said approaching her.
He cupped her face in his hands.
"It's a gift from Simon and Daphne I didn't know for a few days. I'm just a cadet I couldn't give you what you deserved."
"I deserve nothing but your love, I should personally thank them."
Colin looked at her almost in anguish.
Penelope laughed heartily.
"Don't worry Colin, I'm not going to do it now. Now I'm curious what I can do to thank my husband," she said placing her hands on Colin's.
Colin kissed her but this time it was a kiss full of passion, he finally tasted her wife, without being afraid that someone would discover them or that Penelope was afraid of him. Just pure passion.
Penelope had nothing to do but let herself be carried away by passion and love for Colin Bridgerton, her first love, her only love.
Colin left his lips for a moment and Penelope looked at him with a languid gaze.
"Colin, when you kiss me, the ground under my feet shakes, do you know that?"
Colin laughed and brushed a curl that had fallen out of his hair.
He took Penelope in his arms.
"I'll show you our room.."
He climbed the stairs that led to their bedroom, once inside, he slid it over her body and didn't let go.
"How are you feeling my love?"
"I'm fine Colin I'm just waiting for you..."
Colin didn't have to repeat it twice and passionately kissed Penelope and Penelope reciprocated with equal passion.
Colin loosened Penelope's hair which fell like soft waves and invaded Colin with Penelope's perfume, Colin moaned taking it in his hand and squeezing Penelope even tighter.
"Pen, I want you so much, but promise me one thing."
Penelope nodded her head.
"Would I stop if you don't feel comfortable with what I'm going to do?"
"For what we will do ... yes I promise"
Colin moved away just enough to make Penelope turn and be able to undo the buttons of her wedding dress.
"Oh my god..." Colin sighed.
"What is it," Penelope said, turning to Colin
"I'm a Million Buttons"
Penelope smiled.
"My mother chose him..."
"I thought he liked you..."
"Well you'll have to be very patient if you want to get me out of this dress..."
"Ohh Pen I want nothing more than to see you without this dress on, naked, I want it so much that..." she said whispering in Penelope's ear and she took the two parts of the dress and tore it hard by popping the small buttons by the room.
"Ohh" said Penelope
"I'm sure your mother will forgive me for that...." she slid the dress over Penelope's body and helped her to climb over it, she was careful not to step on the that intense moment it certainly wasn't nice to fall upside down, he thought. Colin led her to the bed and walked away to look at her.

"You are beautiful, your skin is so soft" he said caressing her "I love it when it turns red like now.."
Then Colin took off his jacket without taking his eyes off Penelope, but she lowered her gaze.
"Penelope, eyes on me."
Penelope raised her eyes and fixed them on Colin's eyes and then down on Colin's hairy chest who had just removed his shirt.
Colin was about to unbutton his trousers when Penelope jumped.
"Do you want me to stop Pen?"
"No.. I want to do it"
Colin's breath caught.
He spread her arms away from her body and pointed them towards her as if to encourage her.
Penelope walked over to Colin and placed her hands on Colin's chest then slid them down towards the waistband of his trousers, Colin gasped when he felt Penelope's little fingers fumbling at the fly and when he let the trousers slide, accompanying them with his hands Colin missed the breath.
"But what is this thing?"
"They're knickers them on my travels...thought I was naked? Little naughty come here!!"

Penelope could no longer hold back she burst out laughing heartily sitting on the bed.
Colin climbed over his pants and walked over to Penelope.
"You're laughing at me...I don't know if I can forgive I have to punish you...."
Colin lay on top of her Penelope laying her on the bed and started tickling her by holding Penelope's hands on her head.
But the game that seemed fun to Colin turned against him, as Penelope's convulsive movements dragged against him and her crotch against her and Colin was losing control. He stopped and Penelope stopped to watch him.
Colin was out of breath and her petticoat was riding up Penelope's legs, leaving them bare.
Colin ran his hand up Penelope's leg before her down her brushing it behind her knees.
Penelope sighed and squeezed Colin's arm looking at him.
Colin continued to caress Penelope and ran his hand up the inside of her thighs and when he got to Penelope's bare sex, Colin's eyes widened in amazement at her and Penelope smiled.
"Kate told me you would make this face"
"Since when do you and Kate hang out?"
"I had to talk to someone about my anxieties. And you know the fervor of the Bridgertons."
"Were you afraid of me?" He said pulling his hand away from her.
" I'm not afraid of you," she said holding Colin's hand against her.
"I just wanted to do the right things...I didn't want to panic...please don't stop."
Colin didn't have to repeat it twice and touched Penelope between her legs. Penelope moaned.
He touched her deeper than her feeling her wet and tight and suddenly a jolt of hers went from her hand directly to her crotch. He bit his lip to hold himself in as Penelope arched at her fingers.
She couldn't take it anymore...she had to have it.
She got up and took Penelope's petticoat away with her...she was there in front of him finally. Glorious, beautiful and naked. She took off her knickers that made Penelope laugh so much. But Penelope was no longer laughing now. She was shocked. She had never seen a naked man before. And the fact that she was looking right at Colin's member blushing brightly and licking her lips nearly knocked Colin out.
He walked over to her and lay down on her.
"Stop me if you don't feel like it, okay? Promise me."
"I know you will never hurt me or make me feel uncomfortable Colin, you will only hurt me if you keep me waiting any longer my love"
Colin kissed her passionately first stroking her face and then lowered his hands towards Penelope's full breasts.
"Oh my Pen you're so soft and warm you're driving me crazy I can't help it anymore"
"Don't hold back..." Penelope said slipping her hands into Colin's hair and kissing him passionately.
Colin moved between Penelope's legs stroking her intimately and hooked Penelope's leg to her side. He moved closer to her, kissing her neck and inserting two fingers inside her.
"Pen...Pen" she moaned
He then begins to penetrate her with himself, slowly.
Penelope closed her eyes and turned her head to her side biting her lip.
"Pen...pen eyes on me...look at's me.."
Penelope opened her eyes and saw her love of her life above her, inside her..
Then Colin found a barrier and his eyes went wide.
"Pen! Oh God, Pen you are still... they didn't rape you... you are a virgin."
Penelope's eyes filled with tears.
"All this time thinking...I wasted all the time I'm not pregnant.."
"Forget about it! And as for being pregnant...not yet.." he said as he thrust himself deep into her.
Penelope tore a cry of surprise rather than pain.
"Sorry.." she said she stopped holding back a groan when Pen moved.
"Don't stop...please"
And Colin let himself go sinking before her gently inside her and when he felt her moan and hug him, he sank harder than her eliciting a deeper moan.
"Si Pen...please let yourself go.. like this"
Colin moved faster against Penelope and Penelope walked towards him more confident and excited.
"Colin...Colin please...."
Colin slipped his hand between them touching her and Penelope yelled her name as he came to her. Colin followed soon after seeing the stars, he had never felt such an intensity. He leaned over her to catch his breath.
"Colin...Colin you won't let me breathe"
"You too my love, you too" he said animatedly
"No love, you're too heavy, I really can't breathe"
"Ohh sorry..." he said he moved to her side and leaned into her hand.
"I swear I'd stay here forever to look at you right now, you're beautiful" she said caressing Pen's face.
His hand descended to Penelope's breast and then to her side.
"Colin..." she said looking at him languidly.
He moved his hand between Penelope's legs looking at her intensely.
"I think it's going to be a while before I get my fill of you.. like I don't know... 3 or 4 years.."
"Good for you, Colin Bridgerton. Good for you"

An other possibilityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora