chapter 8

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Penelope had spent a sleepless night thinking about what to do with her life.  If he had been a man she would have boarded the first boat without saying anything to anyone.  Of course he would have suffered but she needed tranquility and solitude to make a choice ..
Getting kissed by Colin was a bad thing...
she couldn't stop thinking about her warm, firm, insistent lips from Colin.
She didn't understand how she had managed to remain impassive.  Colin's heartfelt declaration tipped her willingness to stay away from him.
Could she say she forgave him?  She yes about her, her words tore her soul apart but she understood that she said them because of the alcohol and the pressure she was under from everyone to get married.  Could she trust him?  No, not yet.  As much as her love for him was still there, deep in her heart, she couldn't accept Colin sacrificing himself for her.  She still wasn't convinced that Colin loved her, and then the only thing that could solve her serious problem was to find a husband, possibly within a month and who doesn't live in London so she could escape from this bigoted and gossipy city.  And the man had already found it but she wanted to be honest with him and he should feel free to accept or not, of course, but she had to take the whole package.  She and any child.
He just had to hope that Lord Drebling was interested enough in her to accept her marriage proposal!

In the afternoon she had the opportunity she was looking for as the Lord in question came to visit.  Penelope was agitated but Lord Drebling was so sweet and patient that he waited as long as necessary for Penelope to gather her strength and tell him all about her.
"Will you stay in London for a long time milord?"
"The time it takes to get some answers but then I'll have to go back to Dublin, my city"
"Here I wanted to ask you something..." But Penelope still didn't have the courage and she stopped.
"How is Dublin?"  She asked him cursing herself.
"It's a bit like London, although I was born there I love to be where my home is, in Dalkey, a quiet place on the coast. I can see the ocean and see the beautiful mountains, these places I'm sure you would like, Penelope . "
"She's right, I would love to escape from London, away from everyone and everything... my goodness did I say that out loud?" Penelope said blushing.
Lord Drebling couldn't help smiling
"You are delightful Penelope, the way you blush is lovely, and I would very much like to take you with me, if you would accept my courtship" Lord Drebling felt like a worm, he knew he had to warn Colin of his choice, but he was so taken by Penelope who couldn't wait.
Penelope was blown away, she didn't think it would be that easy since she did everything for him.
But she had to be honest with him.
"Lord Drebling I am very comfortable with you, you are sweet reliable.."
"Is there a 'but' coming? Does it have to do with our mutual friend?"
"Noo...that is, here..."
"Lady Featherington...Penelope..may I call you that?"  said Lord Drebling taking her hand.
Penelope nodded her head.
"I know something is bothering you...feel free to talk to me, I won't judge and I'll be honest with you."
"You are truly exceptional Lord Drebling and now I feel even more guilty. I was hoping you'd court me because I'm getting married soon.. do you know what that means?"
"Because of the assault? Are you waiting" Lord Drebling was a man of the world he didn't beat around the bush.
Penelope blushed.
"There is this possibility, my mother forces me to marry so as not to bring further shame to our family, but I want to choose who to marry because I don't want the person to suffer in my place and if they are not someone I respect, I wouldn't be able to sure to act like a devoted wife. That's why I chose you. I'm sure, in time, I could love you because I'm already attached to you."
"And I'm sure you'll make me a happy husband...but can I ask you a question?"
"Why don't you marry Colin you've known him for a long time and it shows that Colin is in love with you. Don't you love him?"
"Colin is still a person who has to grow up, he has to really understand what he wants from life, if he occasionally runs away from London to travel, probably he has nothing to keep him here." Penelope said telling part of the truth.
"Penelope, I'm going to marry you off and on, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to make you the happiest woman there can be, I'm going to give you all of me, but on one condition. You'll need to clear things up with Colin. He's a friend of ours. And he needs sincerity from both of you. When Colin hears of your decision, I may lose a friend, but I will have a special woman!"  He said approaching Penelope and kissing her forehead.
Penelope was moved by those words even though she was afraid to face Colin.

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