Headline News

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He looked up at her, concentration written all over his face.  His beautiful face. Those eyes, at times hard, icy hard, at others deep pools of hypnotising desire.

His cheekbones, sharp enough to cut you; his lips? Whether curled into a sneer or wide in one of his dazzling smiles, so kissable.  God, he was hot.

For a second, she thought he was going to criticise her writing yet again. Could she do nothing to please him?  Was there nothing she could write that he didn't change or get her to rewrite and rewrite almost beyond all recognition?

Until she took this job, she'd had faith in her talents, but for the last six months, she'd felt nothing but a failure.

Loki Laufeyson was both the editor from heaven, giving endless opportunities and backing, but also the critic from hell. No headline, no by-line, no article got past his eagle eyes.  You better double-check your facts. You better have reliable sources. You better be sure you can defend your corner.

The upside? Anyone who worked for him ended up walking into ANY job they wanted. Their skills, their contacts, their reputation? Second to none. Their CV need only have that one entry, and it unlocked any door.

Kathy wanted that key. Kathy wanted that reputation. When he'd interviewed her, he'd left her in no doubt he expected the best, but in return, she could become so much better.

Despite herself, Kathy wanted that success, that approval. Kathy wanted above all? She wanted Loki.  Tall dark handsome and, when he wanted to be? Charming to a fault. Her handshake of greeting had been her first and only physical contact with him.  It had been enough. His eyes boring into her, she'd decided there and then, no other man could measure up.

Accepting the job, she'd told herself that it was purely professional interest. What she could learn. What she could add to her portfolio. Indeed, initially, that's what she'd managed to believe. But now? After six months of constant badgering, constant criticism, and incessant fault finding? She found herself melting into a puddle of sexual frustration every time he walked into the room.

She'd never considered herself submissive. Now? She'd never consider herself anything else.  As long as Loki Laufeyson was the one holding all the power.  Holding her .

Loki looked at her. This was the best article she'd written yet. Insightful, thought-provoking, and very, very controversial. He loved it.

He thought he might even love her.  But he couldn't tell her. It could quite literally kill her.

Kathy had come to him as an accomplished writer of the most investigative and relentlessly truthful articles he'd ever read.  She was afraid of nothing and no one, it seemed. Just what he was looking for.  He needed someone who had the finesse of a surgeon and the tenacity of a Rotweiller. Someone who wouldn't be afraid to keep digging, keep hunting for the truth. He needed her.

At first, he'd thought it was purely professional, purely a need to recruit someone to aid him in his work. His real work, not this little charade. Now? As he'd perfected her writing, perfected her self-confidence and ability to defend her reasoning? Made her the best investigative journalist he'd EVER had? He realised he wanted her. In every way imaginable.

He'd always had a dominant streak, but now? He would do anything to be the one being dominated. By her. To do that, he would have to tell her the truth.

About him, about the job, about why he'd pushed her to breaking point.

Was he ready to do that? Was she ready to hear it?

Not today. No, today was a time for reflection.  For both of them. He needed to know her inner thoughts. Not the ones she thought he wanted to hear, but the true backstory. The things that made her 'tick'.

"If that's all Mr Laufeyson, I'll be going?" She stood up, gathering her stuff together. She wasn't entirely sure his silence was a bad thing.  The look on his face, however, was a different story. It was as if he were fighting an unseen demon, his face contorted into a grimace.

"No, Kathy, that will not be all. Please sit down." He looked at her so intently that she swallowed and meekly complied.

"Yes, sir," she murmured, not daring to antagonise him again. She sat upright but relaxed and watched as he walked from behind his desk to perch on the edge, clasping her latest submission.

"This is... good" he paused as if searching for an adequate word.  Nodding, he continued, "astonishingly good."

Kathy felt her mouth hang open in shock. Had he really just complimented her? Out loud?

"I know I'm hard on you, Kathy.."

"It's ok, you are...."

"No, please allow me to continue." He held up a hand, and she was automatically drawn to his long elegant fingers. What would they feel like on her skin? In her mouth? Dear GOD, what was she THINKING! She dragged her mind back to the room.

"S-sorry Mr Laufeyson,"

He smiled. Actually smiled. Her stomach flipped. Those lips....

"It's quite alright, Kathy. I know this is somewhat unusual for us." Now he smirked. "I think you, no, let me rephrase that. I think WE are ready to take things to the next level." He paused, and the air crackled with electricity. She felt herself drawn deeper into his eyes.

"We are?" She barely whispered.

"Yes." He stood, circling the desk like a predator. One she desperately hoped was hunting her. "I have been watching you. Grow. Develop. Blossom if you like." He sat on the edge of the desk, his trousers stretched tight over his lithe but muscular thighs, his biceps stretching the sleeves of his tailored white shirt.  The top button open, tie undone just enough, to let her glimpse the alabaster skin of his chest. He tucked his long raven hair behind one ear as he took off his glasses and sucked on one of the legs, contemplating her.

"I need..." he paused again she almost begged him there, and then.

"Wh-what," her voice was hoarse and low.  Impossibly aroused, she barely clung on to reality.

"I NEED YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" He turned and roared as the door opened and one of the junior staff walked in.

"Mr Laufeyson..."

Kathy leapt up and was out the door in seconds.

Loki glared at the intruder, teeth set in a furious snarl. "How DARE you barge in. I was BUSY!"

"S-sorry Mr L. Graeme on politics said you'd want to see this right away?" The intern was not so much white faced as translucent.  He handed a sheet of A4 to Loki, who scanned it and groaned. Information he'd been looking for for a long time. It turned up at the worst possible moment.

"Fine. Now, GET OUT!" He turned, and the intern fled.  "And shut the BLOODY door!"

The door slammed, and Loki threw himself into the chair.  So close... he'd been so close. He would have to try again.  He knew she was gone, he could see her desk from his and her jacket and bag no longer sat on it.

He rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.  This was not good.  He cared too much. It had to stop. It wouldn't though, would it.

Picking up the sheet of A4 and his suit jacket, he walked out.

"Cam? I'm going out. Hold all my calls." He barked at his PA Camilla.

"Yes, Mr L," she nodded. His bark was worse than his bite. And he could bite her any time he wanted, she thought.

As he stood in the lift down to the street, he looked at himself in the steel doors.  Get a grip, Loki, he told himself. This is bigger than both of you, and you know it.  Find her, apologise, and grovel if you have to.

Grovel.  Yes. He'd be more than happy to be on his knees for her.  If only she would tell him to do it.  As he walked into the street and looked around, he paused.  Where would she go? What would she do?

For once, he had no idea. He was powerless.  She was in control. And oh boy, did he like that. 

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