Come And Get Me

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"You know what to do. In, get them and out. No hesitation, no deviation. No personal crusades. Do I make myself clear?" Fury stood and looked at them, each in turn nodding. 

"But Sir, what if we engage The Soldier?" Coulson spoke for them all. 

"Then you do what you have to. Capture uf you can, but eliminate, neutralise, kill.  Whatever you want to call it that makes you feel comfortable. I DO NOT care how. Just make sure he doesn't get in the way. If we can take him alive? Great. If not?...." he shrugged.

Fury turned to Steve. "And YOU Cap, you lose focus for ONE second and fall into their hands? You know what will happen. So dont let it.  Stay focussed. We MAY get another chance to get him. We only get ONE chance to rescue Kathy and, if he's still with us, Loki."

"If he's not?" Another voice broke into the conversation. Everyone turned to look at the man in the rumpled suit and glasses.  He shrugged and smiled, a little embarrassed by the attention.

"Well, Bruce, considering how you - and the Other Guy - dealt with him last time, I think you know the answer to that one.  Just don't kill him. Him I want alive." Furys' voice was low and measured.

"But that's not..."

"Fair? My choice?"

"Yes. If he's really against us, what difference does it make?" Maria spoke now, and Bruce nodded in agreement.

"I didn't make the call, I just didn't argue with the God that did." Fury sat down.  "You've been very quiet in all this ?" He turned to Steve now, who'd sat mute throughout the exchange.

"Well, Sir, if Loki is with us or against us, I don't care. He gets in the way he's gone. There's only one God in my mind, sir, and he doesn't wear green.  As for the soldier. There's no one that intimidates me. He's just a stooge. A powerful one, but there's nothing he could say or do that would change my attitude."

"Glad to hear it. Now, get going. The longer we wait, the more danger she's in."

Kathy and Loki woke up still wrapped in each other's arms, the spell on the door keeping the world - the Hydra world - out.

Kathy woke first, with a slight start. The feeling of Loki's arms around her and his breath on the back of her neck where he lay cocooning her, bringing her heartrate down again, and she relaxed.

"You ok, Little One?" His voice was soft and warm, like his embrace. He didn't move, just spoke into her neck, his breath a welcome caress.

"Mhmm," she answered, eyes closed, smiling. "Always with you." His arms tightened.

"We need to be ready. Fury will send the cavalry soon. You must get yourself clear, I'll help Steve deal with the soldier. When he finds out the truth, he may be reluctant to act against him."

"I'm not leaving you, Loki." She twisted round in his arms to face him. "I can't leave you. I won't. We do this together."

"Darling, I love that you want to help, I adore that you are so loyal and supportive, and I absolutely would be the same if the situation was reversed.  But - and this is a BIG but, if you are there, I will protect you at the cost of all else.  ALL ELSE.  I would abandon everything else. I would tear the world apart to save you. Please, my love, get yourself out as fast as you can. I promise that as soon as we have completed his capture, I will come to you.  I promise, after all, we have our forever to be getting on with!." He winked and smiled, mischief written in his eyes.

Kathy swallowed and nodded.  "Ok. Promise me you'll be careful. Promise me you'll come back to me." Her eyes pricked with emotion, and he smiled softly.

"My darling Little One, I will be there before you know I'm gone." He kissed her softly.  "Now. We need to get up, I have a feeling that it won't be long."

They sat in the QuinJet in silence. They knew this could be the trap to end all traps. To end them.  They had to try.

The engines stopped, and the door opened.  Silence. No forces defending the position, no attacks in the air.  It all seemed too easy.

Cap stood and faced them all.  "Ok people, you all know the targets and the mission. Everyone stay sharp, all hell is about to break loose, and we dont know where The Soldier is.  Anybody gets in trouble, shout out. We got each other's backs.  Remember, we dont know who's side Loki is on, but we treat him as a friendly until he proves otherwise.

They exited the jet. It was still quiet.  Too quiet....

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