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Kathy turned and almost screamed at Banner. Loki now lay slumped in her arms, eyes closed and skin turning a hellish grey.

"Loki! Loki! Open your eyes. Look at me!" She spoke more sharply than she ever imagined she would. She had to keep him with her. "LOKI!"

He stirred, and his eyes fluttered open again. "Kathy? I'm so sorry, pet. I'm so very sorry." He began to fret, and his eyes filled with tears. "This .... this is... all my.... fault." He seemed to be slipping away. Bruce came over, and gently, they sat Loki forward so he could take a look at his back. Three bullet holes pierced Loki's armour. Fine Asgardian leather, it may be. A match for the advanced weaponry of Hydra it most definitively wasn't.

Bruce and Maria exchanged looks over the heads of the other two. This was looking really bad. Silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the moans of Steve, the light sedation keeping him comfortably immobile.

Loki was silent now. Still and silent, lying in Kathy's arms. Bruce put packing on the wounds, reluctant to do more in the jet for fear of infection setting in.

"Keep him calm and still Kathy. As soon as we get back, I'll remove the bullets. I think if he doesn't lose much more blood, he stands a chance."

"You THINK?" Kathy was blinded by fear and rage. Fear of losing Loki and rage at The Soldier for doing this. "What sort of a doctor ARE you? DO SOMETHING!" Tears streamed down her face. Ger voice dropped, and now she barely whispered. "Please, please save him. I need him to survive. I need to tell him. I... never... told... him." She sobbed, clutching Loki's hand.

Maria took off her headset and crossed to where Kathy sat cradling the unconscious body of the only person in the universe she would willingly die for. She sat next to her and put a tentative arm around her shoulders.

"It will be ok, Kathy. Loki, if nothing else is stubborn. He won't let Hydra be the one to send him to Valhalla. I promise you, he will come back to you. I've never seen him quite like he is when you're around. " she smiled, and Kathy returned it with a slight blush.

"Thank you, Maria. I know we only just met, but I know we're going to be friends. God knows I need a friend right now. Part of me feels like this is just a dream, and I'll wake up any minute. Then I look around, and I know it's all terrifyingly real."

"I know, but I'm here for you any time you need me. Ok?"

Kathy nodded. Before she could say any more, the engines roared into hovver mode, and they landed back at base. The rear ramp opened, and a gaggle of white coats appeared with two trolleys; one for Cap, one for Loki.

Maria gently prised Kathy's arms from around Loki, and they laid him on the trolley. Before she could say or do anything, he was whisked away to the medical centre.

The rest of the crew took Cap away, and in a flurry of orders and noise, everyone departed. Each knowing their exact job, eacj knowing what to do to help. Everyone was a cog in a well-oiled machine. Everyone except Kathy.

Suddenly, the silence was deafening. She sat on the seat in the jet, still covered in blood, her hands looked like she was wearing gloves. Up till now, she hadn't shed a single tear. Up till now, she had been in shock. Truthfully, she probably still was.

Not caring about the mess, she put her head in her hands and sobbed. Devastated, she broke her heart. The angst, terror, and fear of the last few days all catching up now that she was safe. She wanted to close her eyes and make it all go away. She wanted Loki.

"I love you so much. Please don't die. Please. I promise to do anything, everything if only you'll come back. I love you..." she whispered softly, pleading.

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