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"Loki? Are you there?" The voice was gentle, like a warm hug. Kathy turned and looked back into the room from where she stood on the balcony.

"No, Your Majesty," she answered with a small curtsey. "He went to find Thor, I think. I'm not sure when he will be back. He may go straight to his own chambers." She smiled at the thought of a very full (his own words) Loki staggering arm in arm with his brother. They'd had their moments as all brothers, adopted or not, do but now? Now, older a tiny bit wiser, they knew there were enough enemies to fight. They didn't need to fight each other, too!"

Frigga smiled and nodded. "Good. I didn't come to see him, I came to see you." Kathy suddenly felt afraid. Had she come to tell her to leave? She was beneath Loki and that she shouldn't make his life difficult. He needed to be with a queen, not a Midgardian, with the status of a serving maid.

"You are wrong on every count, my dear." Frigga smiled and took her hand. Kathy must have been staring open mouthed because Frigga laughed. A light, delicate noise that sounded like a summer breeze. "Where do you think Loki got his magic from?" She raised an eyebrow, and Kathy blushed as she smiled. Frigga slipped her arm through Kathy's and walked her back inside.

"I came to tell you that the Allfather and I would be proud to welcome you to Asgard as a permanent addition to the family if you and Loki decide to make things official." She smiled and kissed Kathy on the cheek. "Just remember that Princes are just men with shiny crowns - or horns in this case. They are no more perceptive about romance than your average Bilgesnipe. If he doesn't ask, then you should, my dear. You should."

Kathy sat and smiled, her eyes filled with tears. This was more than she had ever imagined possible. It was more than she'd dared hope for. But did she have the right to ask him?

"Yes, child, yes you do. " Frigga hugged her, "and if the future I see for you is to come to pass, then it will be worth the leap of faith. Take it, with my blessing and with the knowledge that Loki loves you every bit as much as you love him. Maybe even more."

She stood, "Now, rest. The boys will be drinking well into the night. Do you have everything you need? "

"Yes, your Majesty. Thank you." Kathy stood, and they walked to the door. Frigga turned as she left.

"That dress, it's beautiful on you, but " she winked. " It's not the right style. You need something more in keeping with your station as the consort of a Prince of Asgard and Jotunheim. When you wake up, it will be ready for you."

Kathy bit her lip and tried not to cry. She fumbled some sort of thanks, and Frigga just held up her hand. "Nonsense. No thanks are needed. It's the least I can do for the bravest woman I've come across since the Lady Sif. You tamed my wayward son. For that you should have a thousand dresses!"

The two of them laughed, and Kathy closed the door after Frigga left. She leaned back, hardly daring to believe all this was real. The last time she had been 'here,' it was merely an illusion as she healed. This time, the marble, the gold, and the sumptuously furnished chambers were 100 per cent real.

She went back out onto the balcony and watched as the sun set over the city, bathing it in a rich, warm glow. Over in the distance, she could see the rainbow bridge and the Bifrost chamber. She knew Heimdal would be standing watch. He saw everything. Millions of worlds, trillions of souls. When she got a chance, she would ask him to look to Midgard. To a couple of old soldiers, reunited after 70 years.

The next morning, after the best sleep she could ever remember, Kathy woke to a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"Your Highness? Time for breakfast. It's on the balcony. Perhaps after you've bathed, we could bring you your gown?" The young maid curtseyed and smiled at her, eyes full of curiosity.

"Mmmmmorning!" Kathy stretched and sat up in bed. It suddenly registered that she'd been addressed as Your Highness. "What's your name?"

"Asa Your Highness. Asa Magnusdottir"

"Well, Asa, that sounds like a fabulous idea. But please, call me Kathy. In private, at least." She smiled at the girl who blushed crimson.

"It's... it's not the done thing... to be so... familiar." She seemed almost ashamed to tell her. Kathy nodded.

"It's ok. Since I'm not from around her, then I think we can be forgiven, but if it makes you feel bette, wewon'tt go that far... yet!" They looked at each other, then Asa turned and pointed.

"Breakfast is on the balcony. I'll be back when your bath is drawn." She curtseyed and left. Kathy threw back the sheets and padded out into the gentle morning sunshine. She'd been here little more than a day and already knew she loved it. Sitting at the small table, she picked up a glass of juice. Sipping it, she closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.

An hour later, she was drying off after the most luxurious bath she had ever had. Deep, perfumed, and thoroughly relaxing. Now she surveyed the dress on the mannequin in the corner of her dressing room.

It was made of flowing green silk, a jewelled over lay of lace giving it the regal air that Frigga had promised. It had a gilded belt and a circlet of twisted gold and emeralds for her hair.

Asa helped her dress, and as she placed the circlet on her head, she stepped back and clapped her hands together. "Oh Kathy, you're so beautiful!" She instantly clamped her hand over her mouth and blushed crimson. "I'm so sorry... I... " she started to apologise, but Kathy held up her hand and took Asa's in her other one.

"It's ok, I promise. And thank you for the lovely compliment."

Before she could say anything else, there was a loud knock at the door. Asa ran to answer it and in walked the most handsome man Kathy had ever seen.

Tall, alabaster skin, raven hair and full green and gold Asgardian armour, Loki quite literally took her breath away. He crossed the room and without missing a beat, knelt at her feet.

"Your Highness" he extended his hand, grasping hers and pressing it to his lips. She smiled down at him and pulled him up to stand.

"Your Highness" she curtseyed and bowed her head. He caught her chin in his hand and tipped her face up to his.

Pulling her close, he caught her in his arms. "You look beautiful my darling princess." He whispered against her lips, his breath dancing over her. "I love you Kathy. I will always love you. There is something I need to know." He paused and she looked up at him, her heart pounding. His eyes were dark with passion and his body, pressed to her, responded to her proximity in every way she could see and feel.

"There is?" She murmured back, hardly able to stand." What ... what would you like to know?" Her mind screamed at her and she could barely believe she was allowing herself to think about what he meant.

Loki smiled, "Darling, you mean more to me than any of this. You are strong and clever and unafraid and beautiful. You make me want to be the best that I am. I want to protect you and cherish you and show all nine realms you are the Queen I know you to be. Darling, marry me and be that Queen. My Queen. For all eternity until Valhalla calls us." He paused, his face a picture of hope and fear.

"Yes, my Prince, my love. With all my heart, yes. I will be you wife, your love and your Queen. For all eternity until Valhalla calls us." She kissed him tenderly. As she did so, a beautiful ring appeared on her finger. Gold and emeralds, entwined.

As they broke the kiss, she looked up into a pair of ruby eyes. He was in Jotun form, finally able to be himself in his own palace. He smiled and they looked at each other. Loki finally felt safe. Safe in the knowledge that he would ever be alone again. Safe in the knowledge that whatever the future held, they would face it together.

"Shall we tell the King and Queen my love?" He said softly, brushing a lock of hair from her cheek, following it with a soft kiss. She nodded, her heart full to overflowing.

"Yes, but first, kiss me again. Kiss me as your Princess, your Queen and most importantly? Your love."

So he did.

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