Smoke and Mirrors

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She sat on the bed, too confused to cry. Too scared to run. Loki had, it seemed, abandoned her to Hydra. Had it all been an act? Had he never been on their side? Was this revenge for 2012? How had he controlled his Aesir form this time?

She didn't have much time to ponder as the door opened, and he walked back in, clutching a tray covered with a cloth. Instinctively, she cowered away to the far side of the bed. Protecting her injuries, she hunched over. Despite her best efforts, she began to cry.

She could face Rumlow. She could even face the nameless goons that had held her down and done unspeakably painful things to her. Loki, however? More specifically, THIS version of Loki? Her heart felt like it was being ripped out of her chest. She knew now that she hadn't just lusted after Loki. She'd actually fallen in love with him.

She felt betrayed and unspeakably sad.

"I brought you something to eat." He announced loudly as he walked over, placing the tray on the bed. He uncovered it to reveal steak and vegetables and a glass of wine. "We really are much more civilised than those morons would suggest." His voice was loud and almost arrogant in its dismissive nature. Her tears wouldn't stop, and he walked up to her, conjuring a handkerchief that he gave to her. It smelt of mint and pine and him. As he did so, their fingers brushed, and she could have sworn his flushed a delicate shade of blue.

"Oh come now, Pet. Don't be a child. Eat, drink. Make yourself comfortable, you wont be going anywhere for quite some time." He pulled up a chair and sat down. Crossing his long legs, he leaned back and ran a hand languidly through his hair as he made himself comfortable.

His clothing, though casual, was perfectly cut. The leather pants, a second skin to his lithe, muscular legs. His shirt was short sleeved and tailored, revealing his arms - including a beautifully intricate snake tattoo she'd never even dreamt of. The buttons undone just enough to suggest a smattering of fine chest hair.

Under normal circumstances, she would have been panting. Would have been praying for a chance to stroke those thighs, feel those arms around her, that chest under her fevered touch. But now? Now, all she could think of was that he was a traitor. A cold, ruthless traitor.

Grudgingly, common sense prevailing, she ate. It was, despite herself, the best meal she'd tasted in a VERY long time. He sat and watched as she ate, his eyes seeing every wince, every pained expression. Counting up the bruises, daring to imagine the humiliations she had endured.

She had bruises and cuts in places she didn't even know she had places. Finally, she was done. She pushed the plate away, having wiped it clean with the slice of thick bread and butter provided.

"Good?" He asked good naturedly. Her appetite was something reassuring to him. At least he could be sure she wouldn't pass out from hunger.

She nodded, no point in being rude. "Yes, very. I haven't had much this week." She was just stating a fact. Her voice was as flat as the information in it.

For a moment, Loki looked at her. His eyes flickered, and his face looked every bit as strained as she felt. He looked at the door. He looked at the wall where the CCTV camera was the ever-present eye watching her. He didn't speak. He just looked at her.

As he did so, she heard his voice. He quite clearly said, "If you can hear me, Kathy, stand up and walk to the window." His mouth had never opened.

She stared at him but had the presence of mind not to react. Putting her head down, she sighed. Loki continued to stare.

His voice echoed in her thoughts again. "If you can hear..." she stood up and walked to the window without looking at him.

"Speak to me, Little One. I can hear you too."

Slowly, she turned and sat down in the chair in the corner, putting her hands over her face and hunched forward, as if exhausted.

"What's going on, Loki? Why? WHY did you join them? Were you always theirs? Were "we" just a lie to further Hydra's ends?" the pain in her voice echoing the pain in her head - and her heart.

"No. We, as you put it, were never a lie. I really do believe in you and what you can do for SHIELD, for me. WE will never be a lie. This, all THIS, is a lie. It's taken me a long time to get this far in. I really and truly never thought that I would need to involve another living soul. I thought I could handle them and break them from the inside, but I realised almost too late it was too much even for me. I was too far in to get out without making them go to ground. Undo the months of work I put in. There is something major brewing, and we need to rout it out before it gets too late. If we expose their web of lies and deceit, we can break their hold. We can destroy them. It's too long a story for now, but I promise I PROMISE to tell you everything soon. Trust me, darling, trust me - your life depends on it, our lives depend on it."

This time, the 'darling' rang true. She had so many questions, but she knew this was not the time. Could she trust him? Should she trust him? Was this another ruse to quieten her? On balance, she thought not. Why would he have bothered. He could overpower her at any time. She sat forward slowly. "Ok" was all that passed through her mind.

He stood up and walked to the window to join her where she sat. This time, he spoke outwardly. "You need to rest. Don't worry, no further harm will come to you. I have seen to that. You are too valuable to the cause. Sleep well tonight. We have much to do. I will arrange for fresh clothing in the morning." he looked at her steadily, then turned on his heel. As he reached the door, she could hear him again.

"I will visit you later. If you are sleeping, I won't wake you, but I will watch over you, Little One. I will always be there to watch over you."

She realised he hadn't said it out loud.

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