Chapter 3: Wtf is Math

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I finally drew something!^^^

Tw: Suicidal thoughts





Obbsession (Not romantic!!!)

Self harm?

Mention of suicide attempt


Tommy POV:

"What the fuck just happened" I asked myself, looking around at the clearing. Is he here? Did he find me? I reach up to my neck for Tubbos bandanna for comfort.

He knows where I am.

He's going to kill me

Months ago I would have gladly accepted death with open arms but now I have two problems with it.

One, Dream will just revive me again and that hurts like a bitch, and two, knowing Dream he will make my death as slow and painful as possible.

Also, another reason could be good ol' spite I guess. When we were younger, Tubbo said something about had said something about that I was going to be the first one out of the two of us to die forever what with how reckless I am. While I don't care about what he has to say of course (because I'm a big man and big men don't rely on anyone) I still want to prove him wrong if Dream decides to let me "Rest In Peace" (very unlikely but who knows? Miracles sometimes come true.)

I felt a slight tinge of guilt that those were my only reasons for not walking through deaths door and none of them included the couple who took me in. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for them. Really, I am. But after what happened with Tubbo I promised myself I wouldn't get attached to people. So far I had mostly held out well on my promise but to be honest I cared for them quite a bit. I can't show that though. I can't show any sort of weakness that can be exploited. I can't let him find me.

Great stress overcame me as I started spiraling and I punched my head over and over to quiet the thoughts. It mostly worked and I was able to breath again. I looked up at the sky. How long have I been out here for? I saw the sun brushing the horizon. Shit, it's so much later than I meant for it to be.

I quickly looked over the chests in my base, making sure there was nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was fine except for the fact that I thought I saw a smiley face out of the corner of my eye. I twisted around and it turned out to have just been my imagination. On edge and unnerved I quickly ran back to the house right before darkness hit, taking careful note of my surroundings and moving as quietly as I could.

I opened the door to the house and stepped back in horror and surprise. Blood. Blood splattered the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. In the middle of the room were Mitsukis and Masarus mangled corpses. Tears sprung into my eyes and I blinked them away. The blood was gone. The corpses were gone. Mitsuki and Masaru were perfectly fine and were watching the news on Tv as they ate their food. I breathed a sigh of relief. What is going on today? Is Dream here? Is this all just his doing? I found a newspaper on the table and curiosity ate away at my brain until I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Can I read this?" I asked, still shaken up and not wanting to take it in case they got mad.

"What? Oh yeah that's fine." Masaru answered.

I took the newspaper to my room and opened it to the first page. There was a school mentioned that was having construction work done and no one knows what it will be.

Tommyinnit as Bakugo Katsuki (dsmp x mha)Where stories live. Discover now