Chapter 6: 'Welcome Home'

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Tw: unfair parental anger

Talk of drugs and cigarettes

Narrator POV:

Tommy ran as fast as he could, away from the weird man who could potentially kill him. He finally made it back to the house and was surprised to see most of the lights still on. He knew that the Bakugous usually went to bed almost as soon as they came home from work but Tommy could hear them talking loudly which was very odd for this time of night. He couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but decided that he should just sneak up the stairs. Maybe then he wouldn't get in trouble for being out so late.
(With Mitsuki)

Mitsuki didn't know the last time she had felt this worried. It was 12:00 AM. The boy she thought of as her son was missing. She didn't even know when he had disappeared because both she and Masaru had went to work before Kats- er- Tommy had even woken up and had gotten back late, long after he disappeared. She knew that Izuku had been here but when she called him he said that he left after introducing "Kacchan" to computer games and that was around 11 hours ago. Mitsuki thanked him and hung up. Bakugou Mitsuki was not a woman of many tears but at the moment all she wanted to do was just cry her heart out. She heard her husband in the other room, arguing with the police. From what she heard, the police weren't listening to anything that Masaru was saying. He had repeated himself at least 11 times and was getting more agitated every second.

Suddenly, Mitsuki heard the click of the back door opening. She sprinted toward the sound and almost collapsed in relief when she saw Tommy. Then she got angry. HE had made her worry that someone had kidnapped him and then he just suddenly comes back on the porch at 1 AM, the clothes that SHE had paid for were burnt and had holes in them and he was covered in burns and injuries.

"Where the fuck were you?!" Mitsuki yelled, not paying attention to how he flinched.

"Never mind, it appears that he's back." Masaru told the operator and hung up on the cops. "Thank goodness you're alive Toms! We thought you were kidnapped."

Tommy felt bad for disappearing, especially after all the couple had done for him, so he hugged Masaru even though the man squeezed hard enough to crack a rib, and what was left of Tommy's burns still hurt like shit when pressure was applied to them.

Mitsuki still didn't calm down, even after her husband hugged Tommy practically to death.

"What were you thinking?!?!" She yelled, backing him into a corner. "Tell me where the fuck you were!!!"

Tommy couldn't help but compare her to Wilbur when he went crazy during exile. She just kept yelling just like Wilbur did when he was mad. With Wilbur the best thing to do was to not look him in the eyes and tell him whatever he wanted to hear. That wasn't working here because Mitsuki wouldn't let Tommy get even one word in. Masaru knew that if they wanted to know what had happened, Mitsuki would have to stop yelling. All it was doing was just scaring Tommy and Masaru could tell that they were getting nowhere.

"Mitsuki, let's hear what he has to say." He insisted through gritted teeth.

"Fine. You better have a good reason for being out so late!" She spat.

"I— I was in my base!" Tommy blurted out before he could think of an answer that was true but also wouldn't reveal any secrets. Too late for that now though.

"Your base. Your. Base. That does not answer the fucking question!!! We never even knew you had a 'base'!" Mitsuki shouted, slapping him on his head.

It wasn't meant to hurt. It shouldn't have hurt him. It didn't hurt him. But still Tommy jerked back, putting his hands in front of his face to protect himself as though she was going to hit him more.

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