Chapter 4: Training

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Tommy POV:

If I wanted to practice with my quirk and train more often then that meant that I had to get caught up in school. I would also have to be super smart if I wanted to I told Deku that I wanted to see how much of it I could do on my own time so he brought over a bunch of workbooks that he printed off the internet and gave me flash cards. Whatever I wasn't able to do on my own, he would explain it to me the next day. I needed the most help with social studies because I didn't know any of the history. Deku was surprised when I didn't even know the history of quirks, how 200 years ago there was apparently a baby that glowed and now for some odd reason, 80% of the world's population has quirks. I noticed that none of the books even mentioned quirkless people except when stating that "they make up 20% of the population" even though the books were apparently rated as the best ones you could print off of the internet. I wanted to ask Deku about it but I was already asking too many questions. I did everything I could in the workbooks and looked over the flash cards multiple times each. I wanted to be the best. I had to be the best. If I wasn't then I'd be killed. That would honestly not be very good in the           grand scheme of things

Sometimes I lost my motivation and just laid in bed all day. On those days Mitsuki and Masaru tried to get me to eat 3 times a day even though I knew from living with Dream that I didn't actually need all of it. Whenever they came into my room to give me food Mitsuki would ask whether I felt okay enough to get up and walk around or go outside or if it was just a shitty day that was staying shitty while Masaru would make sure that I ate at least some of the food even though I always told him that I was fucking fine and that they shouldn't waste food on me. They exchanged a look of worry and kept on nagging until I ate a few bites. Once they leave, I usually just put the rest of it in the chest by my bed and force myself to do at least some of the work. I still had some trouble with the work but I was learning it as fast as I could. The hallucinations were still there but I learned to ignore anyone who I had known on the dsmp or else I'd get weird looks from the real people around me.

Finally I finished all the workbooks Deku had given me and memorized all of the flash cards. I still had 2 weeks left until I had to go to school so I decided to use those two weeks to train. I went out and practiced using my quirk for hours.

*boom* "ugh, I'm still flinching at the stupid explosions" I grumbled "Can't show weakness. What kind of stupid prick is afraid of their own power."

"Ah fuck! Did that one actually burn my hands?!"

I looked down at my hand and sure enough, there was a burn there. It wasn't as bad as it should've probably been but it was still a burn.
"Well that's fucken stupid" I grumbled. I wanted to see how much longer I could go before going back inside.


Okay fuck. Now my hands were red and the skin was mostly burnt off. They were kinda starting to hurt too. I've been mostly running on adrenaline and f̶e̶a̶r̶ anger at Dream and as soon as I stop this will hurt like a bitch. 'Too bad future me, I deserve this' I thought and held up my hands once more.


Okay. That actually hurt. A lot. Maybe I should stop for the day if I want to be able to practice tomorrow. It's getting far too dark to do this anyway.

I went inside, found the first aid kit in the bathroom, and bandaged my hands. It kinda made my hands hurt more to have to bandage them myself but the last thing I needed was an infection that would stop me from going to school or exploding stuff.

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