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Sal walked into school the next day feeling more eyes on him than usual. People were whispering about him with their hands cupped over their mouths As if he could read their lips. He was a little taken aback. This has only happened on the first couple days of school, but why are they doing it now?

He walked over to Larry.

"Hey Larry why is everyone staring at me??"

"Dude people think where together"

Sal paused in disbelief, "Wait what?"

"Yeah, someone started a rumor that me and you were... doing 'stuff' in the bathroom" Larry explained, clear discomfort reading across his face. He took a small step away from sal.
Keeping a distance.

"We did WHAT now?! that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Sal chucked, trying to get his friend to laugh along. A pit formed in his stomach non the less, he didn't mind if people thought he was gay, he knew Larry minded, because, well, he wasnt. And saying that him and one of his closest friends were doing stuff. That took it to far,

"Im not even..." Sal was trying to think.

"where both not even..."

"yknow?" He said in a quiet voice, not being able to find the words.

"Yeah I know, once I find out who started it I'm literally going to kill them. Holy shit-" Larry said, he was furious. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out an uncomfortable laugh, putting his hand down he looked to the floor. "See ya man, I gotta get to class."

Sal got ready for first period he was at a loss for words. 'Why would someone say something like... that?'

The bell rang and he left for first period.

He went through his other classes trying to be unbothered by the rumor. He could still feel eyes on him. Then the bell rang, it was time for lunch. Sal got his text books and walked over to his locker to put them away. He saw todd putting his stuff away and walked over to him.

"Hey Todd" he said. His body shifted with obvious discomfort.

Todd looked at him sympathetic, he didn't know what to say. "I heard the rumor-"

He paused and looked up at Sal from his locker he felt bad for sal and larry. They didn't deserve something being told about them that is, and never will be, true. Especially since it could get them in serious trouble.

"Why would someone start a rumor like that?, I don't even like guys!" He used his hands to emphasize what he was saying, then,He thought for a moment, and relized who he was talking to. "Well not that it's bad to like them—i just don't feel that way..-" Sal said, trying to justify his words.

Todd laughed a little bit, his lips cracked into a smile. "Im sure this will all blow over in the next month, at best." He closed his locker, and they headed off to lunch.


Everyone got their lunch trays and started eating their food when they sat down, all except Sal that is.

"Hey Sal, why aren't you eating?" Ashley asked. putting down whatever disgusting food was for lunch.

"I'm just not hungry right now." Sal said looking over at Travis. There was more people over at his lunch table than usual.

"Is it because of that stupid rumor?" Ashley said trying to see what Sal was looking at.

"No but uh- I'll be right back." Sal said getting up and walking over to travis's table.

"Oh uh okay." Ashley said taking another bite of her food and glancing to larry.


"Yeah and then after i walked-" Travis stopped talking once he saw Sal come up to the table. He was starting to look a little embarrassed.

"Hey Travis, what are you talking about?" Sal said, the people around him hushed, a few whispers immersed, and the people were then staring at him. There were some snickers from the 'crowd'.

One kid even yelled, "Go sit with your boyfriend!" The boy snickered and everyone else started to laugh at sal.

"Oh it's nothing, just about what you and Larry where doing in the bathroom yesterday." Travis said looking at the other people with a snarky smile. Desperately trying to hide his embarrassment that was plastered all over his face.

Now most of the 'crowd' was laughing even harder but Sal didn't care. "Sorry I was trying to comfort you while you where crying in there." He said in an annoyed like tone. I mean that's all Sal was doing, so what the hell was he lying for?Travis then immediately shut him up. He nervously said, "what are you talking about?" But it came out too fast to sound like a normal response.

Sal gave up and just walked back to his table, but not before he heard Travis say, "I wasn't crying, he's so fucking weird-"


"Oh hey your back, where'd you go?" Ashley said. She did see him go over to travis's table but she figured, "what the hell, might as well ask."

"I went to the bathroom." He sounded upset, Ashley knew why, she put 2 and 2 together and had have a bad a feeling it was some blond dickhead across the cafeteria.

"Oh... okay."

Changed the rumor hopefully yall like it to some extent, I'll try to write a new chapter soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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