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It was a normal day in Nockfell High. Sal, Todd, Larry, and ashley were talking in the halls, dropping there book-bags off to their lockers before lunch.

"Dude what's with Travis today? He's less annoying than usual." Larry said opening his locker, looking over to travis who seemed excited, and or eager for whatever reason.

"I know why, it's balogna Day." Sal said closing his locker.

"Ewww, I completely forgot, I should've packed my lunchhhhhh. there's definitely something not right about it." Ashley said, she used her hand to cover her mouth making a dramatic gagging motion.  Sal laughed and from behind them they heard squeaky sneakers on the polished floor, and turned to see Chug walking up to them.

"Hey guys watcha doing?"

"Talking about the balogna"

"It's not thaaaat bad guys give it a chance." Chug already knew how they felt about the mystery meat. But to be fair chug didn't think it was all that bad. But since they all think there's something nasty in it—"Oh well , more for me." He shrugged, giving a big toothy grin. Just then, the bell rang, and they headed off to lunch.


Sal was walking back to his table carrying his lunch tray when he looked at travis sitting at his lunch table, alone. The boy was already looking over at him it seemed, scribbling on a piece of paper—god knows what, but he saw sal look over to him he immediately looked away, looking a little embarrassed.

'What was that about?' Sal thought, but he brushed it off and continued over to his friends.


"Ew why's it taste like that." Larry said putting down his "sandwich"

"I think I'm gonna be sick." He said holding his grumbling stomach,

"Well it's school balogna what did you expect?" Ashley said, making fun of him. He responded to her sarcasticly, and they brushed it off. He did look seriously semi-sick though.

"Hey Chug, Maple, does the Balogna taste weird to you guys?" Sal asked, trying to find out if it was just them who tasted how disgusting the school meat was.

"Nope taste like balogna." Maple said

"Taste delicious as usual." Chug said. The other 3 definitely judging him, but not in a bad way, of course, they loved their friend.

"I'm gonna take this to the lab to see if anything gross is in it." Todd said taking the lunch meat off the dry bread looking at it questionbly . "I'm gonna come with." Ashley said following him.


AHHH if you liked the first chapter please star it 😚😚

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