Deaf - navi child

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You had been born deaf, and that was something that the norm found out quickly. This was something not new for the humans and avatars. It was a rare occurrence among the Navi as there had been deaf Navi but not deaf forest Navi before. When Tsu'tey found this out, he became worried.

Norm " She will still be able to speak with us."

Tsu'tey "How will she speak with us, and how will we speak with her."

Jake "Sign language is a communication that humans are earth, who are deaf like y/n use to understand their surroundings."

Neytiri "That amazing."

Tsutey " She going to learn both languages of her fathers, right ma norm."

Norm " Yes she will" Many years will base you grow up to become on of the people, and become close with the sully family but mainly Kiro.

Y/n " ......" you are getting dressed for the day as you were at the humans base, verse the family home at hometree.

Norm " hey sweetie how was your sleep last night"

Y/n " it was good dad I spelt well and I'm happy I have the window to look out, during nights and day time"

Norm " well me and your father thought the room will be perfect for you, and it has human and Navi furniture as well"

Y/n " yes it really amazing dad thank you" everyone on the base had know some languages or knew language well enough. They helped the omatacayia learn as they wish to communicate with you the daughter of Tsu'tey and child of eywa.

Norm " what the matter sweetheart"

Y/n " I was wondering if I can try out my Navi body today after years of watching it be prepared for me"

Norm " not yet sweetie we are still running some test, but for now are stuck as human"

Y/n " yes dad"

Norm " well I'm off to work and I see your around, have a good day"norm soon left as you were getting ready for your day. soon a flash light had gone off signal the door were opening, these were made to help you hear someone entering any room here on base. The light were not that bright but were at a good brightness, for you to see and noticed and it will flash three times.

Kiro " hey y/n"

Y/n " Kiro you are here I'm so happy"

Kiro " I came to see my favorite girl and see if wants to have some fun"

Y/n " well let go there silly"kiro had learned sign language faster then his siblings, as he wants to be friends with you when his dad and your dad brought to home tree. Neytiri found it cute as her boy was learning to speak to you and showing your around and helping you learn as well.

Kiro " hey maybe when we are done here we can go out exploring"

Y/n " I will love that it will be fun" the pair had taken off towards the laboratory together kiro making sure to keep an eye on you, the two of you soon reached the outside after you put on your exo mask. The two of you were running and having good time, but you two didn't get that far until two ikran landed in front of you both.

Kiro " here come our dads"

Y/n " oh come on we are not on trouble yet we are still near the base just not inside anymore"

Jake " good morning kids where are you off to son with y/n"

Kiro " we are doing exploring dad and Tsu'tey"

Tsu'tey " we can see that do you have everything you need y/n"

Y/n " yes sir I have an extra pack and extra mask I will be good"

Tsu'tey " okay be him before night fall or come home right when trouble shows"

Y/n " yes sir we will be home before said and if anything happens we will call for help"

Jake " go have fun kids but keep your eyes out for danger"you and kiro had nodded your heads and soon head off, into the forest the both of you enjoying everything you saw and touched.

Y/n " I love being outside and not stuck inside all day"

Kiro " I'm happy to be out here with you as well, but to sad that your couldn't be in your avatar body"

Y/n " yeah that the moment it still needs work but until then I can explore, pandora as human" you and kiro were running around and having a good time. Kiro had a special bond with you, that had grown over the years and became what you all have today.

Kiro " don't move" you soon stopped moving when you and kiro had spotted an Thanator, you guys were trying to sneak away but it was to late. The creature soon turns it head towards the veo of you.

Kiro " take my hand and run now" you had grabbed Kiro hand just in time as the creature, came running towards you two. The both of you were running fast and fast as the beast was hunting you both down.

Kiro " dad we need help an Thanator had seen us and is now chasing us"

Jake " keep running son both you and y/n need to gets away from the creature" you and kiro soon stopped dead on your tracks when, you both reached the edge of waterfall.

Y/n " ....." either one of you had to speak as you both soon jumped off the cliff and into th water, the creature getting you both with it claws but not capturing you two.

Y/n " ahhh"

Kiro " ahhh" you and kiro soon came to the surface and soon made your way to the shore, the Thanator was gone for now. The both of you looked at each seeing both were now hurt and soaking wet, soon the both of started laughing a bit.

Kiro " I will call our dads for help and ride home"

Y/n " okay" you had felt some pains in your legs making you fall down Kiro ran to see your were baldy hurt. This had happened when Kiro was making the call for help.

Kiro " I will help you walk back home" you had nodded your head as Kiro soon helped you stand again, he soon started walking slowly with you.

Jake " kids" you and Kiro didn't get that far as you were both hurt. That when Jake and Tsu'tey had seen you two, both man ran to their kids.

Tsutey " thank the Great mother you two are okay let get you both home"Tsu'tey had picked you up while Jake helped Kiro. When you arrived home both of you were rushed by neytiri and the other kids checked for any bad injuries. Safe to say you guys were stuck in bandage for days and were not out allowed on adventures of a while.

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