Chapter 1

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"Fentanyl wake up!!! Please don't die on me!!! I didn't mean those hic things I said hic to you earlier. Please Fentanyl, sniffs WAKE UP!!! FENTANYL!!!!"

The world is a dangerous place to be, even if you think you're safe, you are simply not. Like take Fentanyl for example, she looks like an ordinary 16-year old, right? Well you are wrong again. Fentanyl is a "Powdener"; people who originate from deadly types of powders that can kill people. So let's go back all the way to the beginning of this story.

It was a cold day, a cold numb day, and Fentanyl was getting ready to leave the house for school, until her brother ran up behind her.

"You know that Aunt Nelerb and Uncle Banny hate you?"

"Yeah no shit sherlock," Fentanyl threw a small chocolate bar to Aserna and he dropped it on the ground.

"You suck at school and you don't have a boyfriend."

"Just shut up." Fentanyl grabbed her backpack, faced the door and then gave Aserna a death stare. She then swiftly turned around and pointed a dagger 1 inch away from Aserna's face. His face went from smiling to traumatized, and Fentanyl smiled at him and then left the house.

"F.E. wait up!" Fentanyl paused, but didn't look back. A girl with blond hair, white sunglasses, blue eyes, and dark purple jacket with ragged jeans, which looked like it was gonna fall off, stopped and caught her breath next to her.

"Where do you think pant your going without pant me?" the girl stood up and smiled to the dark-hellfire eyes and when Fentanyl smiled at the girl, her eyes went to a warm red.

"Get up Inciaz, let's head to school before we get yelled at." She reached her hand and both girls almost collapsed on each other while laughing. As both of them were walking, Fentanyl pulled an old photo from her pocket and stared deeply into it. 'Mom, Dad,' she thought to herself, pain was following through her veins the more she stared.

"You okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, it's just, sighs"

"It's about your parents, huh?"

Fentanyl nodded and felt more pain as she remembered the incident.

"Don't worry F.E, your parents are gonna be fine, and when they find out what your aunt and uncle are doing to you, they'll get mad. Even more they will be pissed off."

When they arrived at their school, someone snuck up from behind and attacked Fentanyl and she caught a large iron blade from the tip, 1 centimeter away from her chest and the attacker gritted his teeth. It was Aki, the person that Fentanyl had to fight against in the combat fighting championship (C.F.C.) and she won against him and now he tries to kill her for revenge.

"Ha, you still haven't gotten any better, Aki. how about try to sneak quieter and when I least expect it." Fentanyl grinned and threw the sword at Aki and he was pissed off. It was her thing ya know, pissing people off, she enjoys it.

"Well see you later F.E!" Inciaz ran off to her class and when Fentanyl entered the Honors Math classroom, her iris went back to dark-hellfire. The school bell rang and everyone headed to class.

"Good morning everyone, pull out your notebooks and do the problems shown on the board." As soon as Fentanyl opened her notebook, her head started hurting, not just an ordinary headache, she saw visions, visions of blood, battlecries, armies, weapons, fighting, and gods... 'why gods?' Fentanyl thought it was a war from the past, but the gods never got into war, at least that's what she thought. She then saw herself, lying on the ground, still and not breathing. She snapped out of it and found herself sweating and heavily breathing. Each breath showed more and more visions and was getting more dramatic like a trailer to a horror movie.

"What's happening to me..." Fentanyl looked at her hands, pale white with drops of sweat.

Some guy noticed what was happening so he got up, grabbed a tissue, and gave it to Fentanyl.

"Here," he then went back to his seat and wrote the answers in his notebook. Fentanyl didn't say anything and didn't hesitate to wipe the sweat off her face.  

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