Chapter 6

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As Fentanyl slowly walked inside the temple, it started to look more violent than ever. There were paintings of wars, and the temple itself smelled like blood. Fentanyl thought it was probably the red paint because they gave off the same smell. Then she started to notice skeletons on the ground everywhere and there were statues of terrified faces. And there was a written language on certain statues, which looked familiar to Fentanyl.

"Okay this is getting weird."

Then she stumbled upon the center of the temple. There was a wide path that was leading to the center, where something was glowing red. Fentanyl went to check it out but she slowly walked to the center because the temple looked really old. As she got closer though, she heard enchanted voices and they were whispering 'run, go away, too powerful,' and there was one that didn't leave her head. 'die.' Once Fentanyl got to the center, there was a small golden totem, with a red gemstone on it, but what was funny about it is the fact that it was shaped like a Wyvron, with every single of the mythical animals listed on the back of it

"A Wyvron totem? But I thought it was destroyed-"

Then all of a sudden, a huge black sand storm wound up and then when it died down, there was a deep menacing voice.

"Well, well, well, look who dares to enter the sacred temple." Kaya came out of nowhere, but of course it was his spirit, he actually wasn't there.

"I'm not fighting for my own cause Kaya. I'm doing this for my parents and my brother who you have corrupted!"

"Looks like you still haven't learned your lesson. you know that deep down you want to join me and get revenge on those who doubted you."


Kaya then was getting ready to charge up and send Fentanyl into eternal torture in the underworld.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Heroin managed to get in front of Fentanyl with a shield when Kaya shot out a dark aura from his staff.

"What the-"

"You better leave her alone Kaya!!"

"Hmm, looks like the lead god finally got a child huh." Kaya's spirit went into the same height as Heroin and grabbed his face. Heroin then broke free and clenched his teeth hard.

"I will be waiting for you in the underworld young children, by the time you get here though, it might be too late." The spirit approached Fentanyl and stared deep into her soul, Then the spirit disappeared, Heroin gasped and then collapsed on his knees, coughing out blood for a short period of time.

"FE, Heroin! Are you guys okay??" Inciaz rushed to them for aid. Heroin layed down under a tree once they got out of the temple and Inciaz sat next to him.

"We might be in danger if Kaya knows we're coming after him."


"Because we are going to be fighting in his world, so we have to play by his rules."

"Oh, well we can think of something so it's not really a problem, right?" Fentanyl came running out of the temple

"Guys! I found this totem of the Wyvron back in the temple!" Fentanyl pulled out the totem and it shined in the light.

"That's so cool!"

"The God of gods made this totem so he can summon any mythical animal when he's in distress." Heroin touched the totem and felt the strong aura the thing was imiting. "If this thing gets in the wrong hands, who knows what chaos might be unleashed. Fentanyl, it's better if you keep it in your bag."

"Alright, if you say so." Fentanyl wrapped the totem in a scarf and placed it in her bag. Then Inciaz helped Heroin get up while Fentanyl disabled the traps so nothing bad could happen. "So Kaya is trying to prevent me from killing him by killing me first. Nice." Fentanyl talked to herself while cutting through the vines in the temple.

"Wait, if this temple was holding the one thing that made the God so powerful, is he buried somewhere in this temple?" Inciaz asked them before they left the ruins.

"You wanna find out?" Fentanyl and Inciaz looked at each other and nodded at Heroin. Then they went back inside the ruins, hoping to find the gods dead body, (because why not?)

"Heroin, you seem to know a lot about the gods, so do you have any idea what the God of gods name is?" Fentanyl pulled out a flashlight and asked him, but Heroin looked a bit depressed.


"I'm sorry, what-?"

"Yeah Zysdos, many people don't talk about his name a lot because they think it's rude to say a god's name or something." Fentanyl stared at Heroin for a while and then just walked faster, until they came across a large stone door in front of them, with some writing on it, the same writing as the ones written on the status. Heroin got closer to the door and swiped off the dust to read the words better and he instead found a button that was the size of his palm.

"I know what all of this means, but i'll let you girls figure it out," Fentanyl then got closer to the wall and recognized the writing immediately.

"For those who dare to enter, should know that life doesn't have a meaning behind these walls because death is just an entrance to eternal suffering?" then the temple shook even more than last time and the stone wall then collapsed into small boulders. 

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