Chapter 10

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As the forest got denser, it got darker and darker until the trio met up with a small open field with mystical light pouring from the trees. It gave off fairy kind of vibes and was really beautiful. Butterflies were floating into the light and flower petals from the trees slowly fell down onto a small pedal stone with a large glass jar, but inside the jar was a beautifully decorated crown with every gemstone in existence. Heroin got in front of them and kneeled down in front of the pedal stone. He took off the glass jar and the crown shimmered in the light. He picked it up and stood up, just staring into the large red diamond.

"This was the crown that my dad wore in the past, I can't believe it's still here. Wait, if the crown is here, then that means some other artifacts must be buried around here somewhere!"

"I'll go look for it!" Inciaz ran into the bushes to find anything really.

"I should probably follow her-"

"Fentanyl wait," Heroin reached the crown out to Fentanyl, "Wear it."


"Just wear it, I wanna see how it looks on you." Fentanyl took the crown and placed it gently on her head. It kinda slid a bit sideways but it fit perfectly on her head.

"Ha, you look cute with it."

Fentanyl turned red, "I do not!" Fentanyl quickly took off the crown and placed it back, then walked toward the bushes

"Yeah you do! Come on Fentanyl." Heroin followed her while smiling.

"You're lying, you're only doing that just so I can feel, I don't know, good."

"Just admit it, Fentanyl you're still cute with or without it." while walking though, Fentanyl tripped and fell on her back. When she opened her eyes, Heroin was on top of her.

"You. Are. Cute. End of discussion." He then pushed himself up and sat next to Fentanyl and reached his hand out for her and her face was still red.

"Just leave me alone,"

"Come on Fentanyl, deep down you agree with me and you probably won't hear this from any other guy you meet." Fentanyl then got up next to Heroin.

"Just tell me one thing and be completely honest, alright?"

"Sure," Fentanyl took a deep breath and pulled out a flower from the ground, then looked up at Heroin.

"Who are my real parents?" Heroin looked a bit speechless, but he thought about it.

"Signs Your parents are Zengin and Zorlu, and both of them are gods. Which makes you a god." He then took the flower from Fentanyl's hand and put it between her dark reddish hair. Fentanyl looked at her hands but she then noticed that her veins were turning purple and it was on the same arm as the spot where the arrow had hit her earlier.

"Also when are we going to get my arm fixed? Because my veins are popping out right now." Then they heard Inciaz running with stuff in her hands.

"Guys!! I found a sword, shield, old armor, and the perfect material to fix your wound, Fentanyl!!!" She then dropped the things next to them and Inciaz tied a black leaf around the bloody scar and surprisingly, Fentanyl didn't feel any pain at all. Fentanyl looked at Inciaz and she was completely speechless. "Oh sorry, this plant is called the Miracle leaf. It helps heal serious wounds and people have been using this for generations. People also use the chemicals inside the leaf to use it for band-aids."

"Damn you know your stuff Inciaz. I'm impressed."

"I'm studying to become a doctor soon enough."

"Well, I feel better now, thanks Inciaz."

"You're welcome." Inciaz hugged Fentanyl and Heroin left and came back with the crown and placed it on Fentanyl's head.

"C'mon guys, we gotta kick a god's ass." Heroin helped Fentanyl get up and then the trio faced south where their eyes met a large building which read, "UNDERWORLD ENTRANCE. DO NOT ENTER IF NOT DEAD."

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