Chapter 4

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The trio got into the boat, then they started riding the currents of the storm. Fentanyl got on top of the sail boat and controlled its movements based on the currents. Fentanyl then faced the boat north, then tied the rope to the anvil. But she still controlled the boat and made sure that it was heading the right way, except she didn't know where to look first.

"Sooooooo, where is the underworld exactly?"

"According to this map, the underworld should be in the Equator, and since we live in the northern hemisphere, we have to head south, exactly to Ecuador. There should be a museum that has artifacts from the God's throne."

"Alright, I'll go tell Fentanyl." Inciaz got up and went to Fentanyl. "Fentanyl we have to go south because the underworld is located in Ecuador."

"Kay, just bring me the map and I should figure it out."

Inciaz nodded and brought the map to Fentanyl, she looked at the map and immediately changed the course of the boat. The trio had been on the boat for 23 days and still hadn't arrived to Ecuador and the journey was starting to become stressful because of the limited supplies of food. Heroin practiced fasting, so he was fine, Fentanyl could go on for days without food, so it was Inciaz who couldn't really do well, but she tried to save some for them. But then in the horizon, they saw land, a land with festive people and houses decorated with confetti, skulls, and they could hear firecrackers cracking in the distance.

"GASP guys we've made it!!" Inciaz pointed to the land, and Fentanyl and Heroin rushed to the front of the boat and saw the people waiting for them. All of the people were cheering with excitement and some of them were holding the Sword Fighting Championship team's logo, which was the Sun and the Moon phases.

"Well, looks like someone is popular." Heroin rolled his head facing Fentanyl,

"You can't blame me, I've been to Ecuador many times for some of my competitions and the people love me here." When the boat hit the harbor, Inciaz tied the ropes to the anvil, Fentanyl was closing up the sails, and Heroin was getting the bags ready. A man who was tall wore a Hawaiian shirt except with hats and maracas, blue shorts, and black sunglasses came up to Fentanyl, who just did a backflip. It was the president of Ecuador, Silas.

"Fentanyl, what a wonderful surprise. You came back, is there another C.F.C. coming up here?"

"No, me and my friends have a bone to pick with someone. And we're not leaving until we deal with them."

"Ah I see," Silas scratched his beard in disappointment. "Well if you guys need anything, you can always contact me and enjoy your stay, I guess." Then he and the people left but some of them headed to their shops.

"Okay guys, I know a hotel that we can stay in. we'll freshen up for the day and then we can go look for the underworld."

"Sounds good."

They left and the sail boat just dissolved into thin air, leaving some people in shock. As they were walking into the city though, people seemed happier and cheerful than the people outside the city. Fentanyl got a little concerned but she didn't have the time for that.

Then they arrived at the tall marble building, with golden edges and black shiny stones that made the front of the building look like a god's palace. Heroin pushed the door open and they were presented with a hotel that looked too good to be true. Staff members worked in every single corner of the hotel, and the people there were just enjoying themselves. The trio got in front of the clerk lady in front and tried to get a room.

"Hi, uh can we stay in a room for a couple of days?" The lady looked at Heroin, then at Fentanyl, and slid her glasses back.

"For how long sir?"

"Like 3 or 5 days." The lady put her glasses on the counter, took a breath and closed her eyes.

"Sir there is an age limit for renting a room, you can only be 18 or up." She looked back on her computer and was ignoring Heroin.

"Let me try." Fentanyl got in front of the lady and stared dead into her eyes. "Señora, I am a combat and sword fighting champion worldwide and have played here in Ecuador many times, can we please book a room here so we can rest up after our journey here?" The woman stayed silent and didn't say anything. Then she decided to break the silence.

"Fine, you guys can rent a room. But please make sure not to rip up the pillows again."

"Then again, it wasn't me, it was my teammates." They got the key to the room and when they entered it, it was really beautiful, and they thought they were in a dream, but were they really?

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