Chapter 5

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Once they freshened up, Fentanyl grabbed the map from her backpack and tried studying to see if she could understand it, but it was too hard for her to read because she has dyslexia. Inciaz jumped on the bed next to her and gave her a smile.

"Let me guess, you need help reading?"

"No. Maybe. Yeah I can't understand what that says."

"That says 'the White Lotus' and it points to the center of Ecuador."

"I thought it was located in Asia."

"No, clearly you didn't pay attention in history. it's in Ecuador alright. And we are in the north, so we have to go straight down and should find something that can lead us into the underworld."

Heroin jumped into the conversation, "And kick Kaya's ass?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"More like kill him." Fentanyl corrected Heroin and Inciaz wasn't really that happy.

"Either way, we will defeat him." Fentanyl and Heroin nodded and it was getting dark, so they got ready for bed. Fentanyl had slept perfectly for the first time ever and no one disrupted her at all. But it was her dream that gave her chills. So the dream went like this: there was a large dark void that Fentanyl was floating in, there was fire underneath her and the souls of the dead were screaming out. Then she heard a conversation going on in the distance.

"Do you have any idea where F.E. is?"

"No, she just disappeared out of thin air. I looked everywhere."

"It looks like you're NOT SEARCHING ENOUGH!"

"I'm sorry master, I promise, I will find her and stop her from defeating you."

"You better, or else I'm gonna beat the living shit out of you!"

Then the dream went silent, no one spoke, and the dream felt more real. The dead souls screamed louder and louder and Fentanyl realized that was because she was getting closer to the fire. Then Fentanyl woke up heavily breathing and sweating.

"Oh for the love of..." she got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and washed her face, hoping to get rid of her stress. When she got out of her bedroom, she felt like someone was watching her, someone who could change everything. But she didn't care, so she left the room to meet up with Heroin and Inciaz.

"Guys not gonna lie, this place seems a bit off."

"It's probably because you're worrying about the fight. Come on Fentanyl cheer up. Everythings gonna be fine."

"Alright, I guess I'm overreacting. I'm gonna go on a run."

"Kay. Have fun, I guess." Fentanyl wore her headphones, played her favorite song, and then ran outside the hotel. Fentanyl felt like she ran 11 miles because she ended up in a dense forest and stumbled upon an abandoned forest temple.

"What the-" she climbed her way into the temple and found the entrance to it. "Heh, and I thought my house needed to be renovated.'' She opened the flashlight on her phone and once Fentanyl stepped foot into the temple though, a trap was set off and an arrow came out of nowhere. Fentanyl caught it mid air with no problem. Then the torches just lit, the temple shook, vines and gravel falling down and when the temple stopped, it went quiet...

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