Chapter 3

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"Alright, so we gotta make sure that all the Math, Science, Martial Arts, and Sword Fighting classes have their windows closed." Fentanyl pointed at the map of the school with the classes they were assigned with. Then all 4 of them ran to the classrooms and closed the windows and the doors. But as Fentanyl got to the Sword and Combat classroom, she saw a figure standing there, alone, in the dark.

"Hello? I'm not a threat, but if you piss me off, I will attack you." Fentanyl got closer to the figure, and then, it swiftly turned around with a sword next to Fentanyl's neck, inches away. It was Aki, again.

"Ha, what do you think about me now huh?"

"Didn't even made me flinch. Now come on, there are multiple natural disasters coming this way, we have to close all windows and doors."

"Like what? A thunderstorm?" lightning then struck. "Okay I guess we should do that, come on what are you waiting for?!" Aki dragged Fentanyl away and both of them then started working together, but one of the classrooms exploded and Inciaz was stuck in there. Fentanyl rushed to the burning classroom and slammed the door down, not thinking about the fire. She then grabbed a knife that was laying on the ground and slashed her sleeve off for a mask for Inciaz. Inciaz managed to run out of the room but piles of wood and metal bars prevented Fentanyl from escaping.

"FENTANYL NOO!" The fire grew more intense every second and Fentanyl was pushing the burning woods and bars, ignoring her fists being on fire and in pain. Heroin managed to slash the wooden bars apart and pulled her hand from the fire. 15 minutes later, the fire was put out and Fentanyl couldn't breathe properly because of all the smoke that she inhaled.

"Alright, the fires have been put out and everybody seems to be safe."

"Thank you for your service. I just hope that Fentanyl will be alright."

"She'll be fine, as long as she doesn't do anything stupid, or dangerous." Once all the commotion ended, Inciaz took Fentanyl to the lobby to treat her wounds and she wasn't walking properly too. When Fentanyl sat down on a bench, she relaxed all her muscles and didn't move. This is the first time Fentanyl actually rested properly, her muscles have been super tensed up since the car crash. Inciaz grabbed a wet towel, but she then noticed Fentanyl's burned hands, arm, and even her face. They were bright red, purple, pink, and black. She had spots of ash on her face and the arm where she tore her sleeve, was entirely burned and bubbled up. Even the hoodie on the same arm was partly burned. Inciaz just stood there, looking at the wounds and admiring how her friend even managed to survive.

"Fentanyl, how are you able to handle all this pain?"

"I have a pain tolerance, but this is the most pain I've felt in all my years. I have smoke in my lungs, burns on my arms, and scars on my body. It's not easy acting tough all the time, heh." she looked at Inciaz and smiled at her.

"You should rest right away then." She tied the wet towel to Fentanyl's arm and made sure that the bubbled up skin was gone. After that, Fentanyl managed to get her consciousness back. Couple of teachers and even the principal checked up on her, and Heroin sat next to her and put his arm on her shoulder.

The principal then called a meeting to the team for an announcement, "i want to thank you guys for being brave and keeping other people safe from the fire, and i know we have someone who got injured, so we want to let you guys know that you guys can rest up and leave it to the adults from now, okay? We also brought you guys drinks as a thank you gift." Mrs. Pribyl handed out the drinks to the students, all of them except for Fentanyl, (she declined the offer that's why,) who was able to stand up straight and she was just staring in the front gate. she saw that the flood had already started and she saw everything float off the ground. Then it struck her. She realized that her parents were in the hospital and she was worried that the hospital was probably flooded. She smacked her hand on the glass door, she got chills from it but ignored it, the sound vibrated and echoed through the empty lobby, slowly falling down in pain and frustration. She slowly cried to herself, only thinking about the 2 people who were missing in her life. Some of the students saw her, all confused until they realized. The room stood silent, not a single sound was made, just tears dropping to the cold bare surface of the ground. The building shook again, but nothing happened, the school was strong.

Then laughter broke out, it was Brittney, and her friends came out in front of the crowd following her towards Fentanyl.

"Oh gosh Fentanyl, you're so funny. Like you're from hell, why would you cry about your adopted parents? There's no way you're getting my honey boo or love at all."

Fentanyl turned around and gave a death stare to her and Brittney flinched. The ashes in her face made her look more menacing. Fentanyl then got up and walked towards her slowly,

"You better watch your mouth bitch, you don't know what pain feels like and the only thing you'll ever be good at is gossiping about your 'crushes' and talking about fashion."

"And your stupid parents made a mistake having you in the first place, you're a failure!" Fentanyl was about to punch Brittney with her burned fist, which was still throbbing with pain, but then Heroin got in front of Fentanyl and caught her.

"Oh Heroin, my love, you just saved me just in time. This monster was trying to kill me! Anyway how should we plan our wedding-"

"Shut the fuck up Brittney, and we are not dating." Heroin walked Fentanyl to a different room away from the drama and everyone stood silent. But Brittney caught Heroin's arm,

"DON'T LEAVE ME HEROIN!! I LOVE YOUU-" Heroin slapped her and swore at her even more, to the point where the teachers had to get involved and took Brittney to a different room, (she needs therapy lol) Heroin noticed that Fentanyl didn't feel alright so he stopped her and faced her.

"Hey look, don't worry about Brittney, she's jealous of you because you're more beautiful than her. and that's what I admire about you. And she's a stupid bitch, so don't listen to her, ok?" She nodded and she hugged him for comfort and he hugged back. The building shook from the storm, dust was falling but the school was strong enough to hold on.

After night fell, Fentanyl laid down on the cold surface with her blanket, still wide awake, she looked up at the ceiling, only to see the large bulletproof glass getting hit with water drops.

"Mom, Dad.... I miss you so much." Fentanyl whispered to the darkness of the room. She turned to see Aserna sleeping soundly. She smiled. "I just wish you could stop acting like you hate me, I know you don't, but you act like it." she could just imagine herself stabbing a giant rock along with the other swords. Then when Fentanyl looked over at the glass door, she saw a fairy-like figure floating in the water. Fentanyl got up and looked out through the door once more and tried to find it again. Fentanyl wanted to check it out, she grabbed her dagger, sword, and she put on her favorite hoodie, which was burned up but she didn't care, and her fighting gloves. She packed up her backpack and saw her torn scarf. She gently picked it up and it reminded her of her parents, oh those sweet times she thought, she then made a bandana with the scarf, and then went on top of the school roof. The rain was still drizzling onto her face, the last raindrop rolled down her cheek, then she smiled.

"You're really gonna go on a journey without us huh?" Fentanyl turned around, just to see Heroin and Inciaz, and both of them got into their fighting uniforms, but they looked different.

" Sigh. Look guys I have been seeing lots of visions and I believe that the God of Death is trying to conquer the world. I have to go alone, I don't want you guys getting hurt."

"And let you take all the fun? Hell no. Come on Fentanyl, you know me better, I will follow wherever you may go. Plus, you're injured pretty badly." Inciaz jumped into the conversation.

"Plus, I'm the most powerful one here."

"You? really?"

"Yeah, don't believe me? let me show," Heroin got on the edge of the roof. He took a deep breath, and then he shot golden aura into the air, creating a sailboat made of gold, after the boat was made though, Heroin got a red tattoo on his face; it looked very familiar to Fentanyl, but couldn't point it out. And there was a bird screech out of nowhere, which scared Inciaz a bit.

"Well, let's face the gods now."

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