My Brat

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Eren! He was here! Levi’s mind couldn’t wrap around it. He tried to hold the body tighter, but the gun shots were ringing out above them. Eren kicked free, screaming the other kid’s name.

“ARMIN, RUN!” He yelled.

“No, you’re not leaving me again!” Levi tried to grab hold of the kid’s arm, jacket, anything to keep him beside him.

“It’s the Yeager’s. I think they want their boy back.” Erwin called, reloading his gun.

Levi spun around. Erwin had already flipped the table over. Levi pushed it to roll away, he hid his small body behind it. Coming up next to the first gunman, he sprang over the top. As he kicked the gun from the guy’s hand, he searched for Eren. He saw him, to his great relief, he saw Isabell running beside him.

Levi took out the four men who had been chasing Eren. He turned, running in the direction the teen had gone. He saw them up ahead. As Erwin ran up to Levi,  a white van swung up to the curb. Levi eyed it. He saw the door slide open, the barrel of a gun poked out. Growling, he ran towards the van.

Kicking the gun up, Levi had his hands on the man. It was quick work disabling him. The other two took a bit of time. Erwin managed to subdue the driver while Levi was handling those in the back.

Just as Levi met Erwin on the sidewalk, they turned to run after the three street kids. Wait, three? Where the fuck did Furlan get to? Levi growled out in frustration.

As he was swearing to do ungodly things to the missing kid, a grey car cut off the trio before them. Erwin fired the gun at the car. Levi elbowed him as he ran past.

“DON’T FUCKING SHOOT HIM!” He screamed at his body guard.

“Hit the ground!” Erwin hollered. Isabell grabbed Armin knocking him to the grass. Eren dodge the door as Erwin shot at the car, again.

“See, there are things you can do with a gun!” He smirked knowingly at the man beside him.

Levi yanked out Erwin’s back up gun out of its hidden spot on his ankle. He stopped running. With perfect precision, Levi fired three times. Two bodies hit the ground around Eren, the third slumped over the steering wheel. Erwin looked flabbergasted.

A motorcycle swung around the corner. “Izzy!” the guy on the back yelled.

“Get them outta here!” Isabell shoved Armin toward the bike.

“He’s a friend, well, my boyfriend! Just go with him!” She ordered the two teens.

Eren glanced up once. He saw Levi standing on the sidewalk, the gun held loosely in his hand. Eren shook his head as he spun to get on the back of the bike. Sandwiching Armin between him and the driver, they took off. Levi swore slamming the gun onto the sidewalk so forcefully it shattered. Isabell looked back at them.

A few minutes later, Levi’s car pulled up. He marched to it ripping the door open. He glared back at Isabell, not saying a word. The girl walked forward to climb into the backseat. Levi got in with Erwin cradling the remains of his back up gun.

“When did you learn how to shoot?” he demanded.

“I watched a video.” Levi was scowling at the girl.

“Bullshit!” his body guard yelled at him.

“Just because I hate guns, doesn’t mean I can’t use them!” Levi spared a glare toward his friend. When Erwin didn’t say anything back, Levi turned to the girl.

“Where is he taking them?” he growled.

“A safe place.” Isabell hesitated.

“Izzy, so help me God, if I don’t get to talk to Eren, I’ll…” His threat was stopped by the girl. She glared back at the steely eyes.

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