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Eren couldn’t take his eyes from the short, raven haired man. Since he saw him at the Café he felt torn. One part of him recalled his old friend, but seeing him with that gun! How easily he took the lives of those men! Eren wanted to yell at him, scream at him. Then Levi uttered his decree.

“I missed you.” Eren felt hallow.

Hearing those words, something snapped inside him. A door he had slammed shut a decade ago was being forced open. He didn’t know what he was letting out. His body reacted before his mind could. Eren pulled Levi into his arms. The shorter male hadn’t sat down yet.

As his arms curled around the man’s torso, Eren buried his face in Levi’s chest. His ear pressed to the strong beating heart. Eren let out a soft sigh.

“You were always so clingy!” Levi chuckled. He ran his hand through Eren’s hair, slipping the tie out. Levi brushed at it, feeling the silky smoothness.

“I, I thought…” Eren’s voice chocked up.

Suddenly, he was pushing Levi away. The small male caught hold of the make shift table to keep from falling as Eren stormed around the room.

“You’re just like them! All you’ve ever done is lie to me!” He cried. He kicked at a blanket on the floor beside the bed.

“I never lied to you.” Levi said softly.

“I just never told you what my family did.” He added when Eren didn’t look back at him. Eren flopped down on the crate again.

Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on his knees. Running his hands over his face, he breathed in deeply. He let the gush of air out as he kept his face hidden. Levi knelt before him. He winced as he glared at the dirt floor. Eren chuckled.

“Still Mr. Clean?” He snorted.

Levi flicked his eyes towards him. “If you remember that, then you know how much I hate this.”

Levi reached out to slide his fingers around Eren’s wrists. He pulled the other male’s hands back. Lacing their fingers together, Levi ducked to make sure Eren was looking at him.

“I swear to you, on Armin’s life, I have never lied to you.” He stated, locking their eyes together.

“Don’t bring him into this!” Eren growled.

Levi sank back. He noticed that Eren hadn’t taken his hand away. “What can I say to get you to believe me?” he pleaded.

“I, I don’t know. Seeing you holding that gun… you took their lives so effortlessly…” Levi snorted.

“You think I killed them?” he asked.

Eren drew back a bit. “Didn’t you?” he asked. Levi snorted.

“NO! Plus, I hate guns!” He huffed.

Eren was looking at him unbelievingly. He watched as Levi stared back at him. In those soft grey eyes, he recognized his friend. He sighed again as he reached out to touch Levi’s cheek.

“I want to believe you.” Eren whispered.

He raised their joined hands to press Levi’s over his heart. It was hammering fast against his chest.

“There hasn’t been a day since I saw you fall that I haven’t thought about you.” He added, staring into those eyes.

“Same. As soon as I came too, I tried to find you.” Levi muttered. “But you had vanished. I’ve tried everything to find you. Set up homeless shelters, soup kitchen, even created my own brat pack, yet no one ever reported seeing you.” Levi paused, shaking his head.

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