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Success... but at what cost ?

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May 2016

Lagos, Nigeria

For an Avenger, Amina Khan was surprisingly anxious. She patiently waited by Natasha's side, trying not to pay attention to the conversation going on in her earpiece. Her hand moved on its own, steering in the cup of lukewarm tea she had in front of her. The young woman let Natasha handle the communication between the two and the team, knowing that the sounds in her earpiece would just make her lose her concentration. The conversation went on, and then shots were heard. Amina's eyes rose to meet Natasha's stare.

"You good?" Asked the spy.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Replied Amina, completely disregarding the shake of her limbs.

Truth be told, Amina was anxious and terrified, and even though she was good enough at hiding it, Natasha realised something as wrong. Ever since Sokovia, something was always wrong. Amina was reluctant to go on missions, she easily lost her concentration, anxiety spiking through her body. However, weirdly enough, she was colder. When she fought (at first, reluctantly), her movements were firm and precise, her face stone cold and emotionless.

Nobody asked if something was wrong, mostly because they didn't pay enough attention, but also because Amina was a great actress. Natasha had made a few comments, but they were either unheard or ignored by the young woman.

"Let's go," said Natasha as she got up from her seat. Amina looked to left, where Wanda was sitting just minutes prior. The seat was empty. With a grimace, Amina got to her feet, let a few coins fall on the table, and followed Natasha.

The two hurried towards their vehicle. Amina made sure the loose scarf around her head wouldn't fall as she jogged behind Natasha. The older woman got on the motorcycle first, reviving the engine, before Amina got up behind her. The young woman placed her hand on Natasha's shoulders to steady herself once she started driving.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon," they both heard Steve say.

"We're on it," replied Amina as they got closer to the terrorists.

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