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    YOU continued to follow not far behind your father as he chose to ignore you, both of your stubbornness conflicting as usual, "Father, please! I just want to go to Midgard!"

    "As I've told you before, no! Midgard is a dangerous place, especially for young girl" Your father argued back. You huffed then stepped on his cape, making him jolt back, "Y/N LOKIDOTTIR!" He yelled

    "I'm not a little girl anymore father, I'm already must've wanted to go to Midgard when you were young with magic!" You crossed your arms and stared at him judgmentally with your glowing green eyes

    Loki rolled his eyes before he grabbed your hand and teleported you both to the castle's library. "Whenever you were young and I left you with the castle nanny, I did some bad things to Midgard..." he explained

    You stayed silent as still while he pulled off a drape from an old painting of your father in a magical gear and yelling at a group of people with a scepter, completely opposite than you knew him now

    You stayed silent as still while he pulled off a drape from an old painting of your father in a magical gear and yelling at a group of people with a scepter, completely opposite than you knew him now

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    "I wanted power, people to fear me there, I don't want the same for you" He said remorsefully, then placing a hand on your shoulder. Your father sighed and closed his eyes, "listen, how about we make a little father-daughter deal?"

    You raised your eyebrows and motioned for him to continue on, "For 365 days, you go to Midgard, but then you come back and fulfill my wishes of courting Eugene"

    "You know I hate that so called 'Prince'! I do not want to marry him!" You groaned before looking back at your father. He stared at you unamused, clearly ready to take back the deal. You stuck out your hand and waited for Loki to take it. He laughed before shaking you hand firmly.

    You rolled your eyes before smirking. Before your father could say another word, you lunged at him in a strong hug, looking up into his eyes, "thank you father! I'll go pack my bag now"

    You ran through the castle halls to your chambers where you were met with one of your personal maids, "Another fight with King Loki?" She asked, being used to you and him fighting over Midgard

"No, no, complete opposite Margret! Father finally allowed me to go to Midgard!" You giggled like a little girl while lugging clothes and supplies in a bag
Margret was shocked, she looked over at you then quickly ran over in a hug, "I'm so happy for you!" She said softly. She slowly separated from you and continued to help you pack a bag

    Margret was basically your best friend, though she was quite older than your father, because of how much you are together with her. Also how your father is very overprotective over his only daughter.

After your mother died, after giving birth to you, he gave you all his devoted attention and never let you leave his side, let alone the castle

    "How long until you get back?" She asked, helping to close your bag. You didn't want to tell her, knowing it would devastate her for how long you would be gone for

    "A midgardian year..." you mumbled out, twisting parts of your green dress. Though it would still only be half a year on Asgard, it would still upset Margret and your Father you were leaving, "I'll miss you so much and think of you every day though!" You assured

    "I know, but you need to live you life sweetheart, not be held back by me...go
Y/n" She wiped away small tears before smiling and nodding her head

    "Okay...farewell Margret!" You yelled and ran down the hall with your bag floating not far behind you by your powers


    You were met by your dad at the Bifrost, where Heimdall who was standing blankly yet you could tell he was sad to see you go.

"I wish you well in Midgard, Princess Y/n" He said solemnly while you smiled at him before jumping up to give him a hug. "Thank you Heimdall, I'll miss you!" You backed away so he could open the bridge to Midgard for you.

Your father walked up to you right before you could cross into Midgard, "Y/ safe and don't do anything stupid" He warned

"You know me, I won't!" You laughed, giving your father one last kiss on the cheek before leaving

"Remember to find your uncle!" You heard him say just as you started to cross, making him sound like a whisper form far away


This is a short, fast paced story, and so is all my other Wattpad stories. Feel free to read them too :) Any type of voting or commenting is always appreciated <33


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