Chapter Thirty-Six

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I squint as the bright lights shine into my eyes as I step onto the stage, clasping the index cards I'm holding with trembling hands. The room is so silent I can hear my heart beating inside my chest. I step up to the podium, looking out at the crowded room I now stood before. My eyes fall on the individuals dressed in blue in front of me, our school colors.

Everyone is staring at me.

Everyone is waiting.

I search the crowd desperately for a familiar face, my eyes darting from left to right until they fall onto the beautiful brown-haired boy with the hazel eyes. He smiles at me reassuringly, and I sigh out a breath in relief.

I never thought I had stage fright. For years, I had participated in countless competitions, spelling-bees, I had played volleyball in nearly nonexistent shorts while dozens of people watched. Never before had I felt as petrified as I did in that moment, standing before my graduating class as valedictorian.

"Hello, graduating class," I begin, thankful that my voice sounded strong and solid despite my inner fear. I attempt to smile through the nervousness. "It is an honor to be standing before you all today, and I want you to know that I am proud of each and every one of you. This has been a tough year, and we made it. That alone is cause for celebration!"

A few cheers erupt from the audience, and it is enough to boost my confidence.

"Despite everything that tried to knock us down, we refused to stay down. We rose above the struggles, defying all odds. We've proven time and again that resilience is our superpower. Together, we've overcome obstacles, conquered setbacks, and embraced the strength within us. Let's celebrate our unwavering spirit and remember that no matter what comes our way, we always find the courage to rise up and keep moving forward. We push on. We cross the finish line.

"To my rowdy and amazing group of friends, I want to thank you for your support. I don't know if I would have made it all the way here without all of our laughs and adventures. Our long night study sessions. Our talks about life. You have played such a huge role in my journey and I couldn't have done it without you.

"To my mother, thank you for showing me tough love when I didn't want it but you knew I needed it. Thank you for pushing me to always be the best version of myself, and thank you for being accepting of the person I have become.

"To Reth, thank you for teaching me that there is more to life than textbooks and homework. Thank you for everything. I can't put into words how thankful I am for you every day."
I take in a breath of relief and sigh it out before finishing my speech.

"Congratulations graduating class! May your future endeavors be bright! Thank you."

When the ceremony comes to a close, I find my mother, Rixton, Rain, and Reth in the audience.

"You did awesome," Reth says. He smiles brightly as he hands me a bouquet of sunflowers, looking like the proudest man on earth. He is dressed in a white button-down and slacks, sitting in a wheelchair. "Oh, and look at this!" He exclaimed, spinning his wheels around until his back is to me. A sign taped to the back of his seat reads "Congrats Valedictorian!" in large glittery letters with streamers taped all over it. A cluster of balloons is tied to the handles on the chair. "Maya and Natasha made it."

I laugh at his enthusiasm, giving him a kiss on the cheek in appreciation.

After Reth woke up, he discovered that he had very little feeling in his legs. It was devastating finding out that the doctors had been right, he would probably never walk again, but I was over the moon that I had him back. He was awake and that was all I cared about. I didn't leave his side for weeks after he woke up, afraid I would lose him again. With the help of physical therapy, he was able to get around by himself and was learning how to cope with his mobility issues.

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